Fact Check: Appeal To Dog Owners To Stop Using 'Gendered Language' Was NOT Authentic

Fri, 09 Apr 2021 20:29:47 UTC by Sarah Thompson

Did a woman named Titania McGrath post a tweet demanding that dog owners stop using gendered terms like "good boy" and "good girl"? No, that's not true: The @TitaniaMcGrath account is a satirical jab at "wokeness."

McGrath is a fictional character made up by comedian and columnist Andrew Doyle. All kinds of people have been fooled by the account: They are angered or perplexed by the tweets because they think she's a real 24-year-old expressing genuine opinions.

The tweet was originally posted on September 10, 2019. A screenshot of it has been circulating on Facebook in the spring of 2021. One post (archived here) was published by "Working Class for Trump" on April 7, 2021. Simply captioned, "what?" the text of the tweet reads:

Stop saying "good boy" and "good girl"
to your pets.

This kind of gendered language is
normalising the myth of canine sexual
dimorphism, and delegitimises the lived
experience of transdogs.

This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:

(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Fri Apr 9 13:49:47 2021 UTC)

The @TitaniaMcGrath account's bio is:

Activist. Healer. Radical intersectionalist poet. Nonwhite. Ecosexual. Pronouns: variable. Selfless and brave. Buy my books.

McGrath's book, "Woke: A Guide to Social Justice," was released on March 7, 2019. The dynamic of the account's satirical tweets was written about by the DailyMail.com the same day in the column, "The spoof snowflake who made a fool of the Lefties: 'Titania's' right-on Twitter nonsense was swallowed by an army of gullible followers... but she's really the satirical creation of a (male) Oxford academic."

This week we finally learned the identity of the person behind Titania. She isn't even a woman (or, as she would put it, a non-binary feminist icon). She was unmasked as Andrew Doyle, 40, a former private school teacher with a doctorate in early Renaissance poetry from Wadham College, Oxford.