Hoax Alert: Fake Stories Circulating About The Paris Terror Attacks Of November 13, 2015
- by: Maarten Schenk
- (Sat, 14 Nov 2015 00:43:27 Z)
Twitter can be a great source of information during tragedies. Unfortunately a lot of false information is also doing the rounds about the Paris terror attacks (more coverage about that here). Here is an overview of several stories confirmed false by Lead Stories.
Eiffel tower lights were extinguished to honor the victims
This video began circulating on Twitter shortly after the attacks, but it is actually from January 8th 2015 and it was done to honor the Charlie Hebo terror attack victims who died the day before.
Donald Trump tried to make this a gun control issue way too soon
Isn't it interesting that the tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world?
-- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2015
As the date on the tweet shows, he made this comment on January 7th of 2015. Ok, it was in response to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack that happened on that day in Paris. But at least he didn't do it again, this time. Yet.
The Calais refugee camp nicknamed 'the Jungle' was set on fire
A huge blaze is currently tearing through the Sudanese camp, behind #NoBorders, in Calais camp #CalaisJungle #Paris pic.twitter.com/8r9CkTIF3Y
-- Marta Clinco (@MartaClinco) November 13, 2015
BBC confirms Jungle fire pictures in Calais are old.
-- David Jones (@schnuckster) November 14, 2015
Belgium closed its borders
BREAKING: Belgium has closed its borders
-- The Int'l Spectator (@intlspectator) November 14, 2015
Seems like someone forgot to inform this journalist who crossed the border without problems:
#Hollande zegt 'grenzen gesloten'. Op E17 #kortrijk #lille weinig van te merken. pic.twitter.com/4oujDQBt5n
-- Stijn Vercruysse (@vercrus) November 14, 2015
The Belgian minister for the interior & security did tweet Belgian police is helping their French colleagues with border checks
1ste maatr. genomen. Politie helpt Franse collega's bij grenscontroles. Politiediensten in verhoogde waakzaamheid. Crisiscentrum volgt op.
-- Jan Jambon (@JanJambon) November 14, 2015