Watch Replay: Sarah Palin's Unforgettable Speech Calling #NeverTrump GOP-ers 'RATS'
- by: Alan Duke
- (Fri, 01 Jul 2016 22:30:15 Z)
Sarah Palin delivered one of her more unforgettable speeches -- and there's a lot of them to choose from -- at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado, Friday July 1, 2016.
Palin, who was an early Donald Trump supporter, blasted Republicans who have been reluctant to jump on the Trump train. She called the Never Trump movement supporters "RATS," whch she explained stood for "Republicans Against Trump."
"You know who's a threat?" Palin asked. "Those GOP-ers who insist that they'll never vote for their party's choice this time. They call themselves never-hashtag whatever. I just call them Republicans Against Trump, or RAT for short."
See Also: Watch Replay: Donald Trump Speaks at Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado, Friday, July 1