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Colorado Cannabis Club Offering Free 'Joints' For Community Service

  • by: Jeremy Smith
  • (Wed, 23 Mar 2016 06:02:37 Z)

A few weeks ago The Pothole, a Cannabis Club in Colorado Springs, Colorado, offered free joints for each bag of trash you picked up in the surrounding area and returned to the shop. Club owner Steve Pacheco said this is a unique approach to bring the community together on a hotly contested issue that is the legalization of cannabis clubs in Colorado. He said it's "one way to show people that cannabis clubs can improve a city."

Two weeks ago, Colorado Springs city council members voted to ban cannabis clubs and ordered those that are currently open to shut down within the next eight years. Although that is quite a large window to operate within, it still leaves quite the grey area for new business owners hoping to capitalize on the 21st century Colorado Gold Rush.

For the states that marijuana is not legal, this might all seem like another world we're talking about. In a state where you have gas stations named "Gas & Grass," these are issues that you see daily on the local news.

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