Just Because It's Trending Doesn't Mean It's True

State Department Apologizes For Advice To Homely Women: Warned Ladies 'Not A 10' About Travel Scams

  • by: Alan Duke
  • (Thu, 31 Mar 2016 14:06:04 Z)

A social media manager at the U.S. State Department was just trying to help American women who are not the most attractive our country offers from being scammed by flattering men while celebrating Spring Break abroad.

It is apparently a big problem when ladies think they're average American looks translate into hotness when converted into the local currency of sexiness.

So, trying to be helpful and protective, the State Department's travel advice Twitter account tweeted: "Not a '10' in the US? Then not a 10 overseas. Beware of being lured into buying expensive drinks or worse -- being robbed"

travel 10 warning.jpg

But some people are just too sensitive and took offense. This is the official Obama Administration apology:

About the author:

Editor-in-Chief Alan Duke co-founded Lead Stories after ending a 26-year career with CNN, where he mainly covered entertainment, current affairs and politics. Duke closely covered domestic terrorism cases for CNN, including the Oklahoma City federal building bombing, the UNABOMBER and search for Southeast bomber Eric Robert Rudolph. CNN moved Duke to Los Angeles in 2009 to cover the entertainment beat. Duke also co-hosted a daily podcast with former HLN host Nancy Grace, "Crime Stories with Nancy Grace" and hosted the podcast series "Stan Lee's World: His Real Life Battle with Heroes & Villains." You'll also see Duke in many news documentaries, including on the Reelz channel, CNN and HLN.

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