Did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi jail President Joe Biden for making a joke about 9/11 during his trip? No, that's not true: This didn't happen. It's a clickbait headline that has nothing to do with the subject matter of the recycled Newsmax broadcast it purports to describe. This video was posted to Facebook as if it were a live stream, but it isn't. The post is intended to generate revenue from the 30-minute-long video and to draw new members to a Facebook group just created on September 6, 2021, called, "We Are Love Breaking News America."
The video clip used in this post contains portions of a September 6, 2021, Newsmax episode of "Greg Kelly Reports." This recycled news footage was live streamed at 10:59 a.m. on September 7, 2021. The post was published by a page labeling themselves a "Gaming Video Creator" named DannLu with this caption:
Pelosi JAILS Biden for making JOKE about '9_11' during his trip...Trump backs to WH to replace
Pelosi JAILS Biden for making JOKE about '9_11' during his trip...Trump backs to WH to replace
Join Group : We Are Love Breaking News America
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Image Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Sep 08 15:32:57 2021 UTC)
There is nothing in the recycled broadcast that matches the false clickbait headline: nothing about Pelosi jailing Biden or a joke about 9/11. The phone number and address listed by the page DannLu is the phone number and location of the Consulate of Vietnam at New York City's United Nations Plaza.
(Image Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Sep 08 16:07:09 2021 UTC)
When a Facebook user encounters this video in the collection of live videos offered to them, it is not possible to unmute the video. In the lower right corner of the video is the label, "Video has no sound."
(Image Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Sep 08 16:19:12 2021 UTC)
If, in the process of trying to unmute the video, they click on the title of the video they will be carried to the posting within the archives of DannLu page videos, which contains the full clickbait captioning and the invitation to join the group "We Are Love Breaking News America." This group invitation is not visible from the Facebook Live page.
(Image Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Sep 08 15:17:35 2021 UTC)