Are Plan B pills inside pregnancy tests? No, that's not true: The small discs that are found inside pregnancy test kits are not a consumable pill of any kind but desiccant tablets that are part of packaging. Desiccants are "commonly used to keep products dry and stable" -- and are not the pill that is an emergency contraceptive.
The claim appeared in a video on Facebook on May 3, 2022. It opened with on-screen text saying:
Plan B inside pregnancy test
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Thu May 5 18:10:09 2022 UTC)
The video, titled, "Do you know these secret life hacks?" shows a presenter demonstrating and testing several "life hacks." This fact check addresses only the first claim, concerning the disc found inside a pregnancy test. The presenter gives no explanation for the claim except to say, "There should be a Plan B ... oh my gosh, it actually works," as he is prying the test kit open and a tablet falls out.
The tablet that falls out is not a Plan B pill, which is "emergency contraception that works by temporarily delaying ovulation," according to the Plan B One-Step website.
The presenter uses what he claims is an unopened First Response pregnancy test box. The First Response website clearly states that the tablet within the test kit should not be ingested. Under the Products tab there is a warning that reads: "All our First Response Test Sticks contain a small desiccant disc, which should not be eaten."
While it was not in the Facebook video, the Clearblue company has a similar message on their website under the tab Pregnancy Tests that reads:
We are aware of videos circulating about Clearblue pregnancy tests and the tablet found inside.
Clearblue pregnancy tests do NOT contain Plan B.
All our tests contain a small desiccant tablet which is included to absorb moisture and should not be eaten.
If accidentally ingested please seek medical advice and for any further questions contact our careline at 1-800-321-3279.
Lead Stories has reached out to First Response for comment and will update the story if one is received.