Did Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) say supply disruptions caused by the Baltimore bridge collapse don't concern her because she "get[s] her food from the grocery store?" No, that's not true: This quote comes from a satirical website and its Facebook page. An online search did not find the statement anywhere else other than repeats of the false claim.
The claim appeared in a Facebook post (archived here) where it was published by The Daily Wasp on April 1, 2024. The headline read:
AOC Unconcerned About Supply Disruptions After Baltimore Bridge Collapse: 'I Get My Food From The Grocery Store'
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Mon Apr 8 13:35:08 2024 UTC)
The Facebook page includes a link to the full story on thedailywasp.com (archived here). In the article, AOC reportedly states, "I don't understand why everyone, especially Republicans, are making such a big deal out of that bridge collapse ... They don't even realize that they, too, can go down to their local grocery store and buy whatever they want or need ..."
Searching "AOC AND 'I get my food from the grocery store'" (archived here) in an online news search engine did not yield any evidence that this was a real quote.
The Daily Wasp's Facebook bio reads:
Stinging satire. Biting humor. Liberals beware. Trump would love this page.
The websited also carries the "Singing satire. Biting humor." description. The Facebook page describes itself as a "Satire/Parody" page. Evidence of this can be found in the screenshot below. Circling done by Lead Stories:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Mon Apr 8 15:27:20 2024 UTC)
We have reached out to AOC regarding the claim and will update this article if we receive a relevant response.
On March 26, 2024, a cargo ship hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, sinking parts of the bridge instantly.
Other Lead Stories articles on claims regarding AOC are here. Other Lead Stories articles on claims regarding the Baltimore bridge collapse are here.