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Does an article prove that the World Economic Forum "demanded" that the general public be "mass-vaccinated" twice a year with "long-acting mRNA injections"? No, that's not true: The organization told Lead Stories this was "entirely false." The article failed to offer any sources proving any such "demand" was made by the organization. It cited recordings of a conference panel in which guest speakers talked about potential future developments in medicine that would reduce the frequency at which certain medications needed to be taken to be effective, but none of the speakers talked about mass vaccination or demanding anything.
The claim originated from an article (archived here) on Slay News published on January 25, 2025, under the title:
WEF Demands General Public Mass-Vaccinated 'Every 6 Months' with 'Long-Acting' mRNA Injections
The article opened:
Members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) have unveiled plans for permanently mass-vaccinating the general public 'every six months' with 'long-acting' mRNA 'vaccines' as part of an alleged effort to supposedly tackle multiple diseases.
During panel discussions at this week's annual WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland, globalists have been laying out plans for tech-driven precision medicine, 'long-acting injectables,' 'climate-sensitive' vaccines, and mRNA therapeutics for non-communicable diseases.
This is what it looked like at the time of writing:
(Source: Slay News screenshot taken on Mon Jan 27 01:34:08 2025 UTC)
No proof
On January 29, 2025, the WEF's Public Affairs department told Lead Stories via email:
The claim circulating online is entirely false and has no basis in fact.
The article reviewed in this fact check offered no supporting sources. It did not contain direct quotes from the World Economic Forum (WEF), showed no statements and linked to no news reports confirming the claim.
The article cited several recordings of the panels from the January 2025 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Lead Stories manually reviewed them: None contained the purported demand for mass vaccination twice a year.
Only one of the recordings -- a panel discussion titled "Health and Prosperity through Prevention" -- mentioned injections administered twice a year, but the people discussing them represented other organizations, and none of them "demanded" that it become mandatory for the general public.
At the 12:01 mark, Novartis CEO Vas Narasimhan (archived here) says:
... when you think about therapeutics, in most places around the world, still of course today you have to take hypertension medicines every day, cholesterol-lowering medicines every day, diabetes medicines every day. But with RNA therapeutics, we're actually entering now a world where you can give these medicines once, maybe twice a year, maybe once a year. So, suddenly a patient outside of Accra in rural Ghana no longer has to come back to the district health center every few weeks for a refill of the medicine ...
At the 39:12, Executive Director for Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Peter Sands (archived here) makes the following remark:
Looking forward, there's just a profusion of really exciting technologies across all three diseases. The one that is probably most exciting is the emergence of long-acting injectable prep. It's a bit of a mouthful. Effectively what it is, if you are looking at it from a patient's perspective as opposed to a scientific perspective, is it's functionally equivalent to a short-acting, 100% effective vaccine. You take it every six months.
He continued:
It is incredibly effective. It's not available yet, but it will be available in low- and middle-income countries at the same time as it's being rolled out in the richer parts of the world. And we are working with partners to ensure that we can get it to millions of people very quickly.
None of the quotes above came from the WEF administration or management and none of them implied mandatory mass vaccination.
Klaus Schwab (archived here), the Forum's founder, who spoke at the same panel starting from the 54:02 mark, did not mention vaccination at all.
A broad Google search for the keyword "mRNA" across the materials published on the World Economic Forum website in January 2025 did not generate any proof of the claim (archived here): None of the five-plus matches manually reviewed by Lead Stories contained any wording that could have amounted to the "demand" of "mass vaccination" every six months.
Google searches across the January 2025 entries on the WEF account on X for the keywords seen here, here, here and here did not show any matches, either.
A search across January 2025 articles indexed by Google News for the keywords seen here (archived here) showed no results.
About Slay News
Slay News is a website whose About page (archived here) does not disclose the ownership or the names of the editorial team.
Media Bias / Fact Check (archived here) rated it as a low-credibility website that promotes unsubstantiated conspiratorial and propaganda narratives.
In the past, Lead Stories debunked multiple claims that appeared or originated on Slay News. Those articles can be found here.
Read more
The World Economic Forum has been a frequent target of false claims. Other Lead Stories fact checks mentioning it can be found here.
2025-01-29T20:38:39Z 2025-01-29T20:38:39Z Adds quote from spokesperson from World Economic Forum.