3 NOT Critically Injured After Donald Trump Supporter DID NOT Set Mosque On Fire

Fact Check

  • by: Lead Stories Staff

There's a ridiculous racially motivated HOAX story trending on the internet stating that a Donald Trump supporter burned down a mosque, leaving three muslim's injured. The story comes from a hack website that was only created one month ago that represents itself as a legit source of information. This is a case of ignorantly irresponsible journalism.

The NOT TRUE story starts with:

Three Muslim-American citizens are listed in critical condition after an alleged Donald Trump supporter set fire to their mosque during an afternoon prayer session. Jonathan Greensboro a 49-year old resident of Bristol, Kansas, was arrested at his home Monday morning when local police found lighter fluid and clothing matching a description obtained from security footage in a black gym bag located in the backseat of his pickup truck.

The hoax story concludes:

According to media reports, Greensboro has continued to maintain his innocence, however made the following statements to police during an initial interrogation, "Trump will pardon me once he's president" and "I'm not saying I did anything, but sometimes you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet". According to neighbors and local Bristol residents, Greensboro was widely thought of as a "loner" with "far-out political ideas". Greensboro's 39-year old neighbor Denise Shaffer told reporters, he always gave me the creeps, I cringed every time he peeled out of his driveway in his pickup truck with the giant 'Trump 2016' sticker on the rear window".

This NOT TRUE story is neither funny nor informative. It's main purpose is to encite tensions between different walks of life simply for giggles. It's this type of irresponsible journalism that leads to unwarranted violence and hatred. It is true that Donald Trump followers have been getting a bit out of hand at his recent campaign rallies but they HAVE NOT been burning and looting, raping and pillaging. The image of the mosque used in the hack story actually comes from this Flickr post from 2008, titled "Islam & Liquor Only in America: our local Islamic Cultural Center shares a parking lot with a liquor store."

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