Fake News: Wife of Manny Pacquiao NOT Shot Dead In Robbery Attack

Fact Check

  • by: Maarten Schenk

A fake news website (abs.cbn-tv.com) published an article titled "CONFIRMED: Jinkee Jamora-Pacquiao The Wife Of Ex-Boxer Manny Pacquiao Shot Dead In Robbery Attack". None of it is true. The story starts like this:

Jinkee Jamora-Pacquiao, the wife of professional Filipino boxer, Manny Pacquiao and a former vice governor of Sarangani, in Mindanao, Philippines is reported dead this afternoon following robbery attack.

According to her husband, Manny Pacquiao, the wife was said to have gone to visit her close friend in Mindanao when she encountered her sudden death.

"Jinkee was found in a pool of blood in her car helplessly yearning for help." - the Police said.

According to a close source, a good Samaritan reached the scene and drove her quickly to the Mindanao Community Hospital but died shortly after she was able to disclose how she was being shot three times on the chest by the unknown assailants.

First off: abs.cbn-tv.com is part of a larger network of fake news websites that all use the same layout and misleading domain names (often containing tv- or -tv). They all have the same old news articles on their front page and none of their articles are dated. That's the first clue this is a hoax.

Second, no other reputable news source is confirming the story, which is another clue.

Third, the article has many internal contradictions and weird phrases making it look like it was written by someone in a hurry or without good English writing skills. For example:

  • No real journalist would ever write: "Jinkee was found in a pool of blood in her car helplessly yearning for help." - the Police said. "Helplessly yearning for help"? Police with capital P?
  • Similar weird phrases in the rest of the article include "shot three times on the chest", "fish out for the killers", "second phase of medication being conducted on her", "did all the maximum best to control her situation"... Clearly the work of an amateur writer.
  • At first the article speaks about a "sudden death", then later it claims she had time to talk about who did it after spending "hours" at the hospital.

Despite all these obvious clues the story is being shared around widely as you can see in the Trendolizer graph at the end of this article. If you notice anyone spreading the rumor around you can help by pointing them to this article here because nobody likes fake news.

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