Is there a potato pipeline planned between Canadian provinces Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick and did tensions about the plans lead to threats about cutting off potato shipments? No, that's not true, the story originated on a known satire website. The whole idea for a potato pipeline is false.
The story originated from an article published on April 18, 2018 by The Bearverton titled "PEI threatens to cut off New Brunswick's potato shipments unless they approve new potato pipeline" (archived here) which opened:
CHARLOTTETOWN - Provincial tensions are high after PEI Premier Wade MacLauchlan said he intends on reducing potato shipments to the province of New Brunswick unless Premier Brian Gallant approves the construction of a new potato pipeline.
This move could send the price of PEI potatoes skyrocketing in New Brunswick from $3.99 a bag to $4.99. MacLauchlan says that transporting the island's strategic supply of russets, reds, whites, and yellows to the mainland are in the national interest.
"This pipeline has received federal approval and is clearly within their jurisdiction," reasoned MacLauchlan about the proposed 226 km pneumatic tube that would cross the ocean. "While we don't want to limit our shipments of fine PEI potatoes to our neighbours, the Canadian economy is losing $13 for every day this project is delayed."
To the casual observer the story might have looked like a real news article when viewing just the summary:
PEI threatens to cut off New Brunswick's potato shipments unless they approve new potato pipeline
CHARLOTTETOWN - Provincial tensions are high after PEI Premier Wade MacLauchlan said he intends on reducing potato shipments to the province of New Brunswick unless Premier Brian Gallant approves the construction of a new potato pipeline.
But the picture used in the story just shows the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline:
Trans-Alaska oil pipeline, near Fairbanks
Explore amerune's photos on Flickr. amerune has uploaded 12441 photos to Flickr.
And of course The Beaverton is a satirical website that carries following disclaimer:
Site Disclaimer
The Beaverton is a news satire and parody publication . All articles contained within this website, however similar to real events, are fictitious. When public figures are mentioned by name, the corresponding story details are invented. In all other cases, any resemblance to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental.