STORY UPDATED: check for updates below.

Was an old man attacked for drinking alcohol in front of a halal restaurant in Antwerp, Belgium? No, that's not exactly true. Local media reports indicate a man and his son first attacked staff at the restaurant after they had asked them to put away the alcohol they had brought with them.
Video of the incident went viral after local far-right politician Filip Dewinter tweeted it with a misleading caption claiming the man was being beaten up just for drinking alcohol:
Een zaterdagavond in multicultureel #Antwerpen Oude man wordt in mekaar geslagen omdat hij alcohol had gedronken op terras halalpittazaak.
-- Filip Dewinter (@FDW_VB) May 13, 2018
The video was picked up by other accounts minutes later:
SHOCKING VIDEO: Elderly man is being attacked after drinking alcohol in front of a halal food restaurant in Antwerp, Belgium.
-- BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) May 13, 2018
We archived that tweet here.
However, this local media report from Gazet van Antwerpen sheds a different light on the events:
Vader en zoon afgevoerd naar ziekenhuis na stevige vechtpartij op Rooseveltplaats
Antwerpen 2018 - Er was zaterdagavond een stevige vechtpartij op de Rooseveltplaats in Antwerpen. Twee personen raakten gewond en werden met de ziekenwagen afgevoerd voor verzorging. Het bleek te gaan om een vader en zijn zoon. In het ziekenhuis werd een breuk vastgesteld bij de vader, de zoon had een hoofdwonde.
Translation of the headline: "Father and son taken to hospital after fight on Roosevelt Square".
Key quote (translated):
Both gentlemen were drinking something on the terrace of a kebab shop while under the influence of alcohol. Because no alcohol was being served there the owner took it up with them. The son then allegedly punched an employee of the shop several times who then headbutted back. This caused a fight to break out that quickly escalated as the two were harshly dealt with after several people started throwing with terrace chairs.
So technically they were not attacked for drinking alcohol but for starting a fight with restaurant staff after being told they were not allowed to bring their own drinks.
2018-05-13T18:50:35Z 2018-05-13T18:50:35Z Now Voice of Europe is spreading the misleading version of the story: Belgium: Elderly man beaten up for drinking alcohol on terrace of Kebab shop.