Does this video show a failed Chinese airstrike near Taiwan, with planes crashing after they are fired upon? No, that's not true: This footage is from the video game Arma 3. The footage is not real.
The claim appeared in a Facebook post (archived here) where it was published by "Gorib gaming" on December 27, 2021. The post read:
See how the planes crashed again when China failed to launch air strikes near Taiwan #2
This is what the post looked like on Facebook on December 27, 2021:
The six-minute, 16-second video is not footage of the Taiwanese and Chinese military going at each other. It is footage from the video game Arma 3, a military tactical shooting game created by Bohemia Interactive. Lead Stories has written multiple fact checks in the past about Facebook users mistaking Arma 3 content for real life military footage.
A lot of the comments underneath this video are interpreting the footage as something that happened in reality between the Taiwan and China. The account that posted the video being named "Gorib gaming" might suggest that this video is not real. Since the original post, Gorib gaming has changed the caption to his video to, "Arma 3 Iron Dom Vs Rockets #2 Arma 3 gameplay."
Lead Stories has reached out to Bohemia Interactive for a comment on this video and the claim surrounding it. We will update this story if Bohemia Interactive responds to our query.