Did the restart of the CERN subatomic particle collider on July 5, 2022, open portals to other dimensions or release phenomena like the Mandela Effect, 5D or timeline shifts? No, that's not true: There's no evidence that that anything spiritually or cosmically unique or unexpected happened when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) switched on after more than three years of maintenance and upgrades .
The name CERN comes from the acronym for the French "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire," or European Council for Nuclear Research.
The claims appeared in a Facebook post and video on July 2, 2022. It opens:
Cern is going to double up. #cern #largehadroncollider #LHC #LHCRun3 #Science #facts #quantumphysics #QuantumLeap #dimension #dimensional #mandelaeffect #timelinejumping #timelinejump #disinformation #fakenews #CERN
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Tue Jul 5 22:00:24 2022 UTC)
The hardware
The LHC is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It started service in September 2008, recently underwent its second major upgrade and began its third run of experiments on July 5, 2022. This is how the CERN website describes the updated system:
After over three years of upgrade and maintenance work, the LHC is now set to run for close to four years at the record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts (TeV), providing greater precision and discovery potential. Increased collision rates, higher collision energy, upgraded data readout and selection systems, new detector systems and computing infrastructure: all these factors point to a promising physics season that will further expand the already very diverse LHC physics programme!
The LHC consists of a nearly 17-mile ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way, pushing them to nearly the speed of light, allowing scientists to observe and measure what happens.
Non-physicist CERN prognosticators
Social media is rife with predictions of what the now-doubly powerful CERN collider will mean for our reality (here, here, here, here, here, here and here). The LHC upgrade has captured the imaginations of spiritualists, psychics, doomsayers and would-be prophets. Popular hashtags and terms include the Mandela Effect, portals, 5D or fifth dimension and time shifts/time jumping. We'll look at each of them below:
The Mandela Effect
The Mandela Effect occurs when a large group of people remembers an event or detail that never actually occurred or existed. Paranormal researcher Fiona Broome came up with the term. This is how the Cleveland Clinic describes it:
How does the Mandela Effect work?
In 2009, Broome shared a clear memory of former South African president Nelson Mandela dying while in prison in the 1980s. What she remembered, however, wasn't true. Mandela served 27 years in prison before being released in 1990. He then went on to serve as the first president of South Africa, from 1994 to 1999. He died in 2013.
On its own, this instance of misremembering could be summed up as minor confusion, but surprisingly, Broome discovered she wasn't alone. Many others online had also remembered Mandela's death incorrectly and believed he had died many years before his actual death. Thus, the term 'Mandela Effect' was coined.
Does LHC cause the effect? The number of #mandelaeffect hashtags on social media shows plenty of people believe it could.
Portals and black holes
While there's no evidence the LHC opens up portals to other dimensions, it's not out of the question either. The CERN website says:
The creation of black holes at the Large Hadron Collider is very unlikely. However, some theories suggest that the formation of tiny 'quantum' black holes may be possible. The observation of such an event would be thrilling in terms of our understanding of the Universe; it would also be perfectly safe.
The interest in portals may link back to a speech the late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking gave at Harvard University on April 18, 2016. In it, he suggested black holes might be portals to a parallel or alternate universe. According to the Boston Globe, Hawking said:
Black holes aren't the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of a black hole, both from the outside and possibly through another universe. So if you feel you're in a black hole, don't give up. There's a way out.
A fifth dimension - "5D"
This term can either be scientific or involve spirituality and consciousness.
In physics, the fifth dimension is part of a theory attempting to connect all parts of the universe in a way that makes sense by trying to link the known fundamental forces in the universe. The first four dimensions are height, width, depth and time. The fifth dimension is a combination of gravity and electromagnetic force.
The scientists at CERN know this theory well, but folks on social media may be taking it to a higher level. Spiritually, medium Priya Assal Gheysari describes the fifth dimension this way on her website:
It's a plane of consciousness. It's a perceived reality. It's a range of frequencies. It's a state of being. The 5th dimension resonates at a higher frequency than the 3rd dimension where most of humanity has been experiencing reality so far. In the 3rd dimension, our reality is distorted such that we experience ourselves as separate from the unified field of consciousness. In the 3rd dimension, the illusion of fear, separation, and scarcity appear as reality. As a result, reactionary impulses such as anger, sadness, and other low frequency emotions are common in the face of the circumstances of our lives.
Many of the social media posts mention spirituality and vibrations, as in vibrating on a higher plane, in connection with the LHC.
In the scientific sense, this all goes back to Albert Einstein's early 20th-century theory of relativity, which says we live in a four-dimensional continuum -- space-time -- in which space and time are interchangeable. It essentially says that time travel is possible, or at least isn't impossible.
But time-shifting can also deal with reality or how we perceive it. It's another popular topic that's been linked to CERN. On the RealityShifters News website, it explains:
time shift
- Experiencing an event from the past or future in the present moment.
- Influencing past or future events.
- Experiencing loops in time, in which a sequence of events repeats.
- A form of reality shift involving time.
Time shifting is a relatively new term which describes the ancient phenomenon observed by shamans, yogis, and other spiritual adepts capable of accessing, experiencing and influencing events in the past, present, and future. Time shifts are reality shifts in which the dimension of reality we know as 'time' undergoes some kind of observable transformation. Time shifts appear to us in such a way that we can observe them in the form of time loops, time travel, time slowing down, and retrocausality.