Are Masonic Lodges injecting children with "'free child identification chips' to 'help combat abduction,'" also collecting those children's DNA? No, that's not true: There is no credible evidence or reliable information to support such a claim. Multiple Masons organizations across the United States said their child-identification programs don't put tracking chips in children and any DNA information is retained by the parents or guardians. The confusion may be over the acronym for the child identification program, which spells CHIP.
The claim appeared in a post and video on Twitter (archived here) published on July 16, 2023, under the title "ANYONE INJECTING THEIR CHILD WITH THE FREEMASON GA CHIP? THEY'LL BE ABLE TO FIND YOUR CHILD, THAT'S FOR SURE!". The video description says:
GACHIP georgia child identification program. 'GACHIP Provides the ABC's for prevention education & abduction awareness at NO cost to Parents and Guardians!'
This is what the post looked like on Twitter at the time of writing:
(Source: Twitter screenshot taken on Mon Jul 17 16:25:20 2023 UTC)
A video on TikTok published (archived here) on July 15, 2023, promoted a similar claim. It said:
'DNA finger prints are unique' The masonic lodges across the country are offering 'free child identification chips' to 'help combat abduction' and collecting kids DNA 🙄 If you have done a little research you would find DNA carries very specific frequencies which can be encoded and targeted with nnEMF"s (5g-6g) ... so the fact they are taking kids DNA is disturbing...if the next pandemic targets kids...parents are going to freak and do anything to 'protect their kids' and if we don't comply, I'm sure we will be threatened and try to take our kids...So to the people who think SOUND OF FREEDOM is exposing child trafficking and the elites...buckle up shits about to get wild, this is all part of the plan to enslave us all 😬😉 #soundoffreedom #mychip #savethechildren #fypviral #movies #masonic #protectthekids
This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:
(Source: Instagram screenshot taken on Mon Jul 17 21:01:51 2023 UTC)
Masonic Youth Child Identification Program
Both videos refer to GACHIP, which is an acronym that stands for the Georgia Child Identification Program. It's part of the national Masonic Youth Child Identification Program.
Matthew Inyart, deputy director of the Tennessee Child Identification Program (TN CHIP), told Lead Stories in a July 17, 2023, email that "Microchips are NOT used in this program." He also said:
At each TN CHIP Event, parents are provided, at no cost, a Complete ID Package that has been designed to provide a thorough description of their child. Each Id Packet contains vital identifying items for a child such as a comprehensive identification questionnaire, hair samples, DNA samples, etc. The ID packets are retained by the parents and each parent is encouraged to annually update their child's ID kit as they grow with a current photo and any other pertinent information about their child that may aid Law Enforcement Agencies in the recovery of their child should the unthinkable ever happen.
In Missouri, the program is known as MoCHIP. A section of its website, called "MoCHIP MISCONCEPTIONS," tackles the social media suggestions that information gathered could be used for nefarious purposes. It says:
MoCHIP = MissOuri CHild IDentification & Protection program. We do not use Microchips or any other invasive 'chips.'
NO INFORMATION IS RETAINED. PERIOD! After each MoCHIP event, individual computers are wiped clean of all gathered information using specialized software, after which the private, password protected, MoCHIP server undergoes a 3-phase specialized deletion process to obliterate all files collected that day. This process takes anywhere from 45 min. to 2 hours, depending on how many children had been processed at a particular event.
All that is retained by the sponsor, the Missouri Masonic Children's Foundation, is the signed permission slip that authorizes the foundation to collect the information then disband of it.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: None of the computers and/or equipment have, or ever will be, subject to any particular or extraneous Internet connections, and therefore cannot be 'hacked' into for any reason for the purposes of obtaining privileged information.
In Massachusetts, the program is called MYCHIP. As in Missouri, the website says none of the details on the children are held by the Masons:
All this goes home with the parents. No information is kept by MYCHIP, ever.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Patti Davis at National Center for Missing & Exploited Children said in a July 17, 2023, email to Lead Stories that "This is not a chip program. We do not endorse putting chips in kids." She said the confusion comes from the abbreviation:
The acronym looks like it spells chips. What you're referring to is our Child Identification Program. We provide kits so parents can keep updated photos, fingerprints and medical information in their possession in case it's ever needed.
Freemasonry is said to be "the largest worldwide secret society," according to Britannica.com.
Additional Lead Stories fact checks of claims related to the Masons can be found here.
Other Lead Stories articles regarding claims involving implanted chips are here.