Stan Lee and his daughter J.C. Lee are teaming up to make Christmas super for kids. The superhero creator is making a pitch for Toys for Tots, the U.S. Marine Corps program that provides holiday gifts for millions of deserving children every year.
A $10 donation to Toys For Tots will earn fans a copy of "It's All About Love - The Lee Family," a new digital book of "family photos put together by my talented daughter J.C., some photos you've never seen before," Lee said in a video.
"I'm asking all my fans and all my superheroes to share this message," Lee said. "I thank you, Toys for Tots thanks you and our mighty Marines thank you. Excelsior!"
The book is a deep dive into the Lee family photo album.
You can contribute to the "It's All About Love" Toys For Tots online campaign at
The chairman of J.C. Lee's "It's All About Love" campaign said they hope to raise $1 million for Toys for Tots. "100% of the net proceeds raised from the online campaign will be used to support the Toys For Tots program."
"While we receive many new, unwrapped toys for deserving youngsters, monetary contributions supplement our efforts and help support our program," Toys for Tots Foundation Vice President Bill Grein said. "It also helps us provide additional gifts for those 'hard to buy for' teens and pre-teens. We are very grateful to J.C. and Stan Lee for their generosity and support of our 2015 campaign."
Since its founding in 1947, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program has collected over 494 million toys fulfilling the Christmas dreams of over 230 million less fortunate children.
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