Sarah Palin: GOP Establishment Is 'So Busted' For Opposing Donald Trump!

  • by: Alan Duke

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Sarah Palin went rogue in her endorsement speech for Donald Trump's presidential candidacy, slamming the Republican establishment for "eating its own" by opposing the New York billionaire.

"They are so busted, the way that this thing works," the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee said, pointing to "crony capitalists" in her own party who profit from illegal immigrants and bad trade deals.

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Palin contended that "complicity of both sides of the aisle" has enabled Obama, handing the president "a blank check for planned parenthood... and turning safety nets into hammocks."

Establishment Republicans are so opposed to Trump that some are "whispering they're ready to throw in for Hillary."

"Things are going to change under President Trump," Palin declared, noting that it is exactly a year from Wednesday at noon that he would take the oath of office and Obama will pack up his TelePrompters are leave the White House.

Donald Trump stood a few feet away smiling as the former Alaska governor got the Iowa crowd cheering.

Just before taking the stage, Trump tweeted a quote from a leader of the religious right that suggested he thinks the endorsement will help in his battle against Ted Cruz for that faction: "Palin's brand among evangelicals is as gold as the faucets in Trump tower," said Ralph Reed, the chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition.

The New York Daily News published a headline to sum up the match of Trump and Palin that you will either love because you think it is on the mark or hate because you think the two politicians will make America great again: "I'm With Stupid" The New York Post with a more tame headline: "Lady And The Trump"

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Palin also threw a dart at Ted Cruz, who she campaigned for when he was running for the senate, because of his staff's attack on her when it was learned she would be giving her endorsement to Trump. Palin's response was to tweet a column written by her daughter Bristol that accuses Cruz of "a negative knee-jerk reaction."

  Alan Duke

Editor-in-Chief Alan Duke co-founded Lead Stories after ending a 26-year career with CNN, where he mainly covered entertainment, current affairs and politics. Duke closely covered domestic terrorism cases for CNN, including the Oklahoma City federal building bombing, the UNABOMBER and search for Southeast bomber Eric Robert Rudolph. CNN moved Duke to Los Angeles in 2009 to cover the entertainment beat. Duke also co-hosted a daily podcast with former HLN host Nancy Grace, "Crime Stories with Nancy Grace" and hosted the podcast series "Stan Lee's World: His Real Life Battle with Heroes & Villains." You'll also see Duke in many news documentaries, including on the Reelz channel, CNN and HLN.

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