These twins are in for a rude awakening soon, but for now they apparently do not realize they've left their mother's womb. These angels are still hugging each other as a nurse gives them their first bath. Lead Stories' Trendolizer detected this as trending, even though it was uploaded to YouTube in November 2013. It is timeless and inspirational.
This video was from the new born unit at the Clinique de la Muette in Paris. The same nurse recorded and uploaded another video in 2011 that is worth watching if you need to relax. It is another baby getting a first bath.
Nurse Sonia Rochel offers these tips for baby infants:
Don't bathe a hungry baby. They can't relax if they're hungry.
Let your hands and heart express themselves.
Take your time. Ten to 15 minutes is good.
Water getting in your baby's ears and eyes? It's OK!
Enjoy the experience as much as your baby does.