Budweiser Has Renamed Its Beer 'America' Until November Election

  • by: Lead Stories Staff

Budweiser has never been shy about showing American patriotism on its bottles and cans, even after the company was purchased by Belgium based InBev several years back. The company often changes its labels to represent American spirit, even sporting the stars and stripes during it's summertime sales. Now the company has gone one step further in the patriotism category by renaming the beer "America" until the November 2016 Presidential election. Budweiser is also adorning their packaging with text like "Land of the Free," "Indivisible Since 1776" and "Liberty and Justice for All."

With the summer olympics taking place in just a few short months, Budweiser is sure to get its sales on. Below are just a few reactions on Twitter:

We here at Lead Stories have an idea for a new Trump slogan - "Make America Budweiser Again!"

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