Donald Trump usually doubles down when accused of political incorrectness, but the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is actually backing down after a "Crooked Hillary" tweet raised hackles of antisemitism.
Trump's earlier tweet included an image attacking Hillary Clinton with the words "Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!' inside a red 6-pointed star on a backgournd of money. Trump opponents saw it as a Star of David, while his supporters might have seen a sheriff's badge -- or even just a graphic image with no subtle significance.
The controversy caused "Star of David" to trend on Twitter for several hours Saturday. Finally, Trump deleted the controversial tweet and replaced it with the same image with the star replaced by non-controversial circle.
Crooked Hillary -- Makes History! #ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
-- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2016
See also: This Is Why 'Star of David' Is Trending On Twitter: Donald Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' Tweet