After we let our hair down a little yesterday for April Fools Day, today we are celebrating Fact Checking Day (like we do every year). Best wishes to all our fellow fact checkers around the world.
We are also taking this opportunity to announce our participation in a new experimental way of funding fact checking through the sale of NFT representations of some of our fact checks. You can buy or trade NFTs representing some of our best work here.
More information about Fact Checking Day courtesy of the International Fact-Checking Network:
International Fact-Checking Day is promoted by the International Fact-Checking Network in partnership with fact-checking organizations around the world. We believe that fact-checking shouldn't be something only professional fact-checkers do. An accurate information ecosystem requires everyone to do their part.
That's why last year the IFCN brought together fact-checkers from across the world to form the #CoronaVirusFacts Alliance. We created a searchable database of COVID-19 fact-checks with over 12,000 submissions so far.
The Alliance's work earned it the recognition of the Paris Peace Forum, which selected the collaboration as one of 10 projects out of a field of 100 to receive specialized support from the forum's Scale Up Committee.
Fact-Checking Day is an annual celebration and rallying cry for more facts in public health, journalism, and everyday life. It is meant to be lighthearted, but practical.
For more information, see the website set up for the occasion.