Disney HAS NOT Cast Justin Bieber As Young Han Solo

Fact Check

  • by: Lead Stories Staff

Say it ain't so. There's a hoax story trending on the internet stating that Disney has chosen Justin "The Biebs" Bieber to play a young Han Solo in an upcoming stand-alone Star Wars film. Though the story comes from a satire site, they don't have a disclaimer explaining this to it's readers.

The furtunately NOT TRUE story starts:

The coveted role of young Han Solo in Disney's new stand-alone Star Wars film has been announced. There was much media stir and speculation around the mystery of casting and the decision has left some surprised. "We ere basically looking for an exact copy of Harrison Ford but not old," said Disney CEO Jim Croce. "After tirelessly going through thousands of auditions, the only person worthy of such a role is Justin Bieber."

Really? Disney CEO Jim Croce? Nope, guess again. The REAL CEO 'has got a name': Bob Iger.

Croce commented that Bieber's recent heartbreak surrounding his relationship with Selena Gomez "really helped him channel that lone-wolf persona" and that his "spectacular dance moves really made him the obvious choice."

It is true that Disney will make three more movies in the coming years but this project is not one of them. Rest easy, Star Wars fans, the Biebs is sticking to making little girls cry with his amazing voice.

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