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Fake/satirical website World News Daily report published a story titled "Couple hospitalized after man gets his head stuck in his wife's vagina" which began:
A couple was transported to the hospital in a very awkward position last night after a man somehow got his head stuck in his wife's vagina during a strange sexual game.
Tom and Janis Morrison, a young couple from the small town of Greensboro in Alabama, called 911 around 10:00 pm last night to ask for an ambulance.
Samantha Irving, the operator who took the call, says she thought it as a joke when he explained the situation.
"The woman told me that her husband had fallen and that his head was now stuck in her vaginal cavity. I really thought that it was a group of teenagers making a prank call."
According to the search results page (archived) of image search engine TinEye the picture that went with the story actually orignated on a porn website.
The website World News Daily Report is a well known hoax website specialized in posting hoaxes and made up stories. The disclaimer on their website is pretty clear about that even though you have to scroll all the way down the page to find it:
WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website - even those based on real people - are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.
However several other websites have already copied the story verbatim but omitting the satire disclaimer. If you see anyone sharing this story on social media, feel free to tell them they have their own head stuck up their **** for sharing fake news...
2018-02-26T20:45:43Z 2018-02-26T20:45:43Z Satire website 8shit copied the story.