Christopher Blair AKA Busta Troll Starts Several New Trolling Websites (And A Porn Site Network)

Fact Check

  • by: Maarten Schenk

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Christopher Blair AKA Busta Troll Starts Several New Trolling Websites (And A Porn Site Network)

Regular readers of Lead Stories know we've been following the exploits of Christopher Blair for quite some time now. From taking over right wing Facebook pages with hordes of goats to trolling conservatives with made up stories labeled as satire on Facebook (and then fighting the Macedonian fake news sites that copy them), the least you can say about Mr. Blair is that he is quite the interesting character even though what he writes online can in many cases be somewhat disconnected from reality (often to the detriment of those who fall for it).

You can read more about Blair's hoaxes and the politically-themed sites plus Facebook pages he and his friends have been running in this article we wrote about a week ago:

American Troll: John Prager Takes Us Inside Christopher Blair's Secret Troll Cave (Part 1/2) | Lead Stories

Readers of Lead Stories know we've been following the work of Christopher Blair ( featured in the Boston Globe today by coincidence) for quite some time now. For those of you who don't know him, he's the person behind such iconic satirically trolling news sites as The Last Line of Defense, Reagan Was Right, Ladies of Liberty, Freedum Junkshun, Daily World Update, As American As Apple Pie, Freedom Crossroads and several others.

(part two to follow shortly)

But today I want to talk about his latest site which he has started promoting in the past two days via his Facebook account and and via memes on his Facebook pages. Examples:

The website was registered only on April 14, 2018 according to WHOIS records. That means the paint is still fresh and the cement hardly even got a chance to dry yet.

The site seems to have sections listing various liberal blogs, liberal trolling pages on Facebook, liberal causes and sub-blogs for Blair (Busta Troll) and his associate John Prager (Evil Liberal Pig). Both blogs still appear to be empty at the time of publication.

More interesting seems to be the link to "Dildo The Donald" (, a site that lets visitors buy and send various sex toys to the White House, customized with special messages to President Trump. The domain name of the site appears to have been registered on April 6, 2018, also by Christopher Blair. It looks like an attempt to take the trolling from the virtual into the physical world.

But wait, there's more. The site comes with a message that reads:

Dildo the Donald is sponsored by America's Last Line of Defense in cooperation with Dildos For Douchebags, a subsidiary of Doctor Buttstuff.

No threats of violence will be passed along to the White House. Please don't ruin everyone's fun by being stupid.

The website seems to offer the same "gifts" for sale but lets you send them to anyone you like (or don't like, more likely). That website was registered anonymously on April 7, 2018 but we wouldn't be too surprised if it turned out to have been a certain Maine-based troll again given the site's design and wording.

The biggest surprise was the link to (NSFW if you still needed the warning with a name like that) which had its domain registered on January 16, 2018 by Christopher Blair too. It is a straight up porn site linking to several other similar sites, all registered around the same period by Blair as well. (We didn't check out all the other links, three was enough, thank you very much).

We are not exactly sure what this new development means but we don't exactly look forward to fact-check things posted on a site named "Doctor Buttstuff" I can tell you that. Let's hope he keeps it real and we don't get any reader reports about fake porn that needs to be investigated...


  • 2018-04-16T22:21:28Z 2018-04-16T22:21:28Z
    John Prager sent us following comment: "Oh, you just wait, it's going to get wackier and zanier!"

  Maarten Schenk

Maarten Schenk is the co-founder and COO/CTO of Lead Stories and an expert on fake news and hoax websites. He likes to go beyond just debunking trending fake news stories and is endlessly fascinated by the dazzling variety of psychological and technical tricks used by the people and networks who intentionally spread made-up things on the internet.

Read more about or contact Maarten Schenk

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