Was Roseanne's show cancelled because of Senior Vice President of Programming Muthafa Ka'plêse at ABC? No, that's not true and he also wasn't a member of "Obama's Indonesian Choom Gang", mainly because he doesn't exist. Source of the fake news was a satirical meme:
It originated from a post published on May 31, 2018 on a Facebook page named "America's Last Line Of Defense (archived here) which was captioned:
The meme itself read:
This is Mutafa Ka'plêse, Senior Vice President of Programming at ABC. He is the one who made the decision to cancel "Roseanne". He's also a member of Barack "Barry Sotero" Obama's Indonesian Choom Gang. COINCIDENCE?
No Senior Vice President of Programming is listed on the page with ABC's executives (there are VP's of specific kinds of programming though) and nobody by that name appears either.
That's because the name is a simple pun on "M*therf*cker Please" and the about page of the Facebook page spreading the meme reads like this:
Nothing on this page is real. It is a collection of the satirical whimsies of liberal trolls masquerading as conservatives. You have been warned.Impressum
Use the force and the truth shall reveal itself. Just not here. Ever.Products
Good Old Fashioned Liberal Troll Provided Fantasy presented as comedy to the left and a social experiment to the right. Please don't hurt the Trumpanzees. they'll be gone in a few years back to the shadows from whence they came and we'll be back to trolling Tea Turds.
And the picture of the executive? Singer Julio Iglesias:
Julio Iglesias Sr.
Julio Iglesias Sr. is the patriarch of the Spanish singing Iglesias family. Early Accomplishments You'll be surprised to know that before thinking of career in music, Julio Iglesias played soccer. He was a goalkeeper playing for Real Madrid before a horrible accident happened leaving him paralyzed.
Don't fall for it, Muthafa Ka...