Did Burger King admit to using horse meat in Whoppers and other hamburgers? There is neigh any truth to this story, it is not real. Sites still posting this story are flogging a dead horse since it has to do with events that took place in 2012. Yet the story keeps jumping up again and again like some dark horse nightmare for Burger King's PR department.
Recently an article published by Everyday Useful Info in October 2017 went viral again with the headline "BURGER KING ADMITS TO USING HORSE MEAT IN BURGERS, WHOPPERS" (archived here). It opened:
Burger King, the most popular fast food brand, recently confessed that they have been used horse meat so that the whoppers and the burgers are made.
However, this was not admitted in the past, since they denied these claims.
This fast food chain finally gave up pretending and apologized to the honest costumers about the test being wrong all the time.
The name of the firm which produced meat from horse, is Silvercrest.
It looks like the story was suddenly reposted in several Facebook groups:
The combination of a strong graphic and antipathy towards large corporations caused many people to like and share the story without taking two seconds to Google if it was actually true.
If they had taken the time they would have noticed it had been debunked in 2016 by Snopes already:
FACT CHECK: Did Burger King Admit Their Burgers Contain Horsemeat?
The Burger King fast food chain "admitted it has been selling burgers that contain horsemeat."
Always Google before sharing!