Was a woman in Battle Creek, Michigan arrested for stinking up the toilet of a restaurant so badly it had to be closed down? No, that's not true: a fake news website imitating Fox News' logo and domain name copied a hoax story originally published in 2015 and changed the location a bit. It is not real.
The story reappeared in an article published on the website foxnews-us.com (not foxnews.com) on August 19, 2018 titled "Battle Creek Woman Arrested For Stinking Up Toilet And Closing Down Restaurant" (archived here) which opened:
BATTLE CREEK, MI - Police and fire-paramedics were called to a restaurant when it had to close its doors early on Friday evening after a woman spent 45 minutes in the bathroom causing 'unbearable, inhuman stench'.
The 34-year-old woman kicked open the restaurant doors, shouting "out of the way, I'm prairie-dogging!" and ran through the dining area, which was at capacity.
"We were so crowded, people were waiting up to two hours for a table," says the hostess. "In comes this crazy woman, already smelling like she dumped in her pants, running towards the bathroom."
Compare that to this 2015 story from The Valley Report:
Woman arrested for stinking up bathroom and closing down restaurant
DAVE WEASEL CEDAR RAPIDS, IA - Police and fire-paramedics were called to a restaurant when it had to close its doors early on Tuesday evening after a woman spent 45 minutes in the bathroom causing 'unbearable, inhuman stench'. The 34 year old woman kicked open the restaurant doors, shouting "out of the way, I'm prairie-dogging!"
That site had a disclaimer page which simply read:
2 000 000 hits per month and all of these stories are fake. Don't be stupid.
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