Fake News: President Trump NOT Rated Most Trustworthy Of All World Leaders

Fact Check

  • by: Maarten Schenk
Fake News: President Trump NOT Rated Most Trustworthy Of All World Leaders

Was President Trump rated the most trustworthy world leader by The Moscow Press? No, that's not true: the claim came from a meme on a liberal satire page on Facebook that makes up false stories and then tricks conservatives and Trump supporters into sharing them so fans of the page can laugh at them. The claim is false, it did not happen.

The story originated from a meme post published on October 16, 2018 by a Facebook page named "America's Last Line Of Defense " (archived here) with following caption above the image:


The text in the image read:

President Trump was just rated the most trustworthy of all world leaders!!!

Source: The Moscow Daily Press

Share if your proud of President Trump!

However there is no publication named "The Moscow Daily Press", it is an obvious jab at Trump's alleged Russia connections.

The Facebook page spreading the hoax has an "About" tab that reads:

Nothing on this page is real. It is a collection of the satirical whimsies of liberal trolls masquerading as conservatives. You have been warned.

Use the force and the truth shall reveal itself. Just not here. Ever.

Good Old Fashioned Liberal Troll Provided Fantasy presented as comedy to the left and a social experiment to the right. Please don't hurt the Trumpanzees. they'll be gone in a few years back to the shadows from whence they came and we'll be back to trolling Tea Turds.

So you probably shouldn't like and share anything it publishes unless you are in on the joke.

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  Maarten Schenk

Maarten Schenk is the co-founder and COO/CTO of Lead Stories and an expert on fake news and hoax websites. He likes to go beyond just debunking trending fake news stories and is endlessly fascinated by the dazzling variety of psychological and technical tricks used by the people and networks who intentionally spread made-up things on the internet.

Read more about or contact Maarten Schenk

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