Did the funeral of porn actress Sara Peláez end with an orgy at the cemetary? No, that's not true: the story was made up by a Spanish satire website and later got translated (badly) for the English version of the site. It did not happen for real.
The English versiion of the story appeared as an article on There Is News on December 29, 2018 titled "The funeral for a porn actress ends in an orgy in a cemetery" (archived here) which opened:
Sara Peláez, known as 'Amanda Amante' in the porn scene, was 39 years old when she died. She was a spanish actress with great prestige in the pornographic industry. At age 18 he left home and began his career leaving behind his family and old friends. But yesterday he said goodbye to everybody because an unfortunate car accident.
The funeral began at 5:00 p.m. and finished at 8:30 p.m., later than originally scheduled. because the funeral became a festival of joy and sex.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
The funeral for a porn actress ends in an orgy in a cemetery
Sara Peláez, known as 'Amanda Amante' in the porn scene, was 39 years old when she died. She was a spanish actress with great prestige in the pornographic industry. At age 18 he left home and began his career leaving behind his family and old friends. But yesterday he said goodbye to everybody because an unfortunate
The fact that Sara Peláez changed gender halfway through the article should be a first hint that the story is not real. A second hint that the article is definitely not about recent news is that the same tale already appeared in Spanish on November 20, 2018:
El funeral de una actriz porno acaba en orgía en un cementerio
Sara Peláez, más conocida como 'Amanda Amante' en el mundillo porno, tenía 39 años cuando falleció. Era una actriz sevillana de mucho prestigio en la industria pornográfica. A los 18 años se fue de casa y comenzó su carrera dejando atrás a su familia y viejos amigos.
The internet adult film database contains no entry for an actress named Sara Peláez.
The site There Is News carries a "Legal Warging" (archived here) that reads:
Legal Warging
The site "There is news" (http://thereisnews.es) (hereinafter referred to as TIN) is a humor site whose purpose is entertainment.
The content of TIN is fiction and does not correspond to reality.
All references, names, brands or institutions that appear on the site are used as contextual elements, as in any novel or fiction account.
(Note that the site thereisnews.es doesn't exist, only the .com version is live)
The site is the English language version of the Spanish satire site Hay Noticia, which is owned by Spanish humor website/collective La Fabrica de la Comedia S.C.
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