Did French riot police officers loot a store during recent "Gillets Jaunes" protests in France? No, that's not true. The confusion was caused by a viral tweet from a user by the name "Prins Heerlijk" (Jay_K_83), archived here, video archived here:
Agenten die plunderen!? #giletsjaunes pic.twitter.com/rEW1mX0j2N
-- Prins Heerlijk (@Jay_K_83) January 6, 2019
Translation: "Cops that loot!? #giletsjaunes".
However it was quickly pointed out the police officers in the video wore clothing emblazoned with "Policia", which is not French (French police would have "Police" or something similar).
The video was actually from Mexico where some officers did loot a store in 2017:
Mexican riot police are caught on CCTV looting electrical gadgets
Officers were at the Plaze Meave shopping centre, Mexico City, Mexico The riot squad had been called after a gang of thieves targeted stores there But more than a dozen officers ended up helping themselves to products This is the shocking moment riot police were caught on camera stealing from a mobile phone shop in Mexico.