Did the Catholic Church announce that it was introducing burkas for altar servers? No, it is a satirical report published by a California website that specializes in social commentary through satire. The claim that the church is planning to add an 11th commandment to the previous 10 handed down by God to Moses is also satire. That commandment purportedly would read: "Thou shalt not lead thy priest into temptation, for it bringeth upon the Holy Church great annoyance and bad publicity." The satire is a commentary on the priest sex abuse controversy enveloping the Catholic Church.
The story originated from an article published on March 11, 2019 titled "Catholic Church introduces burka for altar servers" (archived here) which opened:
Following the recent Vatican abuse summit, the Catholic Church today announced key measures to tackle the issue going forward, including a stipulation that altar servers don the burka. The concept for this full-body covering was borrowed from another major world religion. Proponents hope that using it in the Church will prevent priests from being enticed into sexual assault.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
Catholic Church introduces burka for altar servers
Following the recent Vatican abuse summit, the Catholic Church today announced key measures to tackle the issue going forward, including a stipulation that altar servers don the burka. The concept for this full-body covering was borrowed from another major world religion. Proponents hope that using it in the Church will prevent priests from being enticed into sexual assault.
The Postillon has a disclaimer on it's FAQ page that reads:
1. Are these true news and stories?
No, everything you can read here is satire and therefore all made-up. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
The site is the English version of the German original der-postillon.com, another well-known satire website.
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