Are police investigating the death of a former Arkansas state senator who believed she was closing in on a child trafficking ring? No, that's not true: Linda Collins, who lost her state senate post to another Republican last year, was shot to death at her Pocahontas, Arkansas, home on June 4, 2019, but there is no evidence that she had collected any evidence of a child trafficking ring before her apparent murder.
Stories claiming a connection between the ex-politician's death and child trafficking were published in the days after her killing, including an article published by NewsPunch.com on June 12, 2019 titled "Police Investigating Death Of Former Senator Who Believed She Was Closing In On Child Trafficking Ring" (archived here) which opened:
Linda Collins-Smith, the former Arkansas state senator who was found dead in her Pocahontas home last week, believed that she was closing in on a child-trafficking ring operating from within the Arkansas state government.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
Police Investigating Death Of Former Senator Who Believed She Was Closing In On Child Trafficking Ring
Murdered Arkansas former GOP State Senator believed she was closing in on child trafficking ring
The 57-year-old woman dropped "Smith" from her name in the past year as she divorced her husband, a retired judge. The fact that a Republican politician in Arkansas was murdered and that investigators are being tight-lipped about the case is good fodder for the usual conspiracy promoters who target the Clinton Foundation -- the charity created by former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This NewsPunch story also said:
She was also about to expose the Clinton Foundation for its role in laundering missing money from Arkansas Child Protective Services.
This article offers no sourcing for the sensational claim, although there is a hyperlink embedded that points to another thinly-sourced report on a website called CDmedia. This story said:
A verified source close to Collins-Smith told CD Media that she was about to go public with incriminating information on sitting judges in Arkansas, who were involved in taking children from poor women via the Department of Human Services (child protective services) in Arkansas and selling them to wealthy individuals. The source also disclosed that Collins-Smith believed the perpetrators were using illegal aliens to facilitate the crimes which included murdering the mothers of the stolen children.
CDmedia promised "much more information," but they were still "in the process of verifying" it. While this website would not give any qualifications for its "verified source," Lead Stories did identify a source of the allegations that Collins' death was connected to her purported child trafficking investigation. She is Lisa Michaele Walker-McMillan, who described herself in her LinkedIn profile as a community advocate in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Walker-McMillan made her explosive claims in an interview two days after Collins' death, outlining an operation run by the Clinton Foundation in which the state Child Protective Services (CPS) agency takes children from their parents and send them on cargo ships and airliners to China where their organs would be harvested. Other children are allegedly used as sex slaves:
This led into a bigger trail and the bigger trail ties into your 9/11, your MERS, to the patent that was made in 1998. It's a very important patent to know. In 1998, there was a patent made by Merrill Lynch that it actually, it moved all of us out of the country by DNA. It literally patented everyone of us. It patented your DNA, your offspring, your intellectual property, everything and that patent was done through Merrill Lynch, and that patent is extremely important this system because it ties into your 9/11. 9/11 had to happened so they can change the banking system between 2001 and 2005 and the reason that that needed to happen so they could implement MERS, which is your mortgage electronic registration system and when you look at the MERS system that's where you can tie into your judges, your circuit courts. You can see money laundering. Like, you think you own your home, you do not own your home in the United States, but what we had found was your children are being moved through that system as commodity. So, when you're looking at this system in your research, do not look at it as a person or a child. You need to realize that they're making money as a commodity. They're being considered as shipping and literally as a dog tag. I would suggest really researching in the dog tag with CPS on these children and people that work at the airports. You need to be looking at the children coming through the airport, enough to fill an entire plane.
Watch this interview here:
Is this woman a credible source? Susan Constantine, a leading authority on body language and deception detection reviewed Walker-McMillan's video for Lead Stories and concluded she "has a psychological issue and is delusional." Constantine noted that Walker-McMillan's body language "betrayed" her as she touched her neck and ears at times, and repeatedly looked away and in the air, with lots of pauses. "She does believe in what she is saying, but at the same time her body language is betraying her because her subconscious knows what really happened," Constantine said. "She reminds me of people that have dreamed up stories and start believing it."
For Walker-McMillan to believe that the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were staged as a strategy to change the system for tracking mortgages, which she believed made American children a "commodity" for trade, is also reason to believe she is delusional and not credible as the only source for the claim that Collins was murdered in order to squash evidence of a Clinton Foundation child trafficking operation. As for Merrill Lynch receiving a U.S. patent giving the investment banking company ownership of you DNA, check this list of every patent the company has been granted and there is none like that. But there is more. She also said in this interview that the country's top officials in charge of finding missing children are pedophiles:
That is not my opinion. There is paperwork that proves that even when your children come missing that, and the Amber Alert, the National Missing Exploited Children is being ran by pedophiles. People have been, you know, have spent time in prison. And when you look at those connections of who they're involved with, that's absolutely involved with the Clinton Foundation. That's not an opinion. You can go into FBI documents, you can go into courts. You can prove this.
Marc Klaas, whose daughter Polly was kidnapped from her bedroom and murdered when she was 12 in 1993, told Lead Stories he found her claims that the Amber Alert system is controlled by pedophiles is "absurd, absolute B.S." Klaas said he got to know President Clinton when he was working on laws to protect children and found Clinton to be very much concerned about the safety of children.
Need more reasons to doubt the story? Listen to what Walker-McMillan said in another interview on May 31, 2019 -- before the killing of Collins. She claimed that members of the Trump administration -- including the attorney general -- are part of a 50-year cover up of a plot to destroy America with a race war:
Attorney General Barr and all of his family members are current and past CIA employees and United States attorneys who have been involved in a Nazi-Confederate alliance plot against the United States since the mid-60s. The plotters seek to re-establish a confederacy fascist government and a United States fueled by racial strife civil war, which we've seen that happening. And this right here ties into even like, we've seen the flooding, the fires and everything is how they're trying to change the way the country will function for this to work.
See that interview here:
There is no evidence to show that Walker-McMillan was close to Collins. She said she only met her last year while working on a non-related issue in the Arkansas legislature. There are no tweets or Facebook posts from Collins to indicate she was investigating child trafficking by the Arkansas CPS, although there is video of her questioning officials at a hearing about grandparents being denied custody of children taken from their parents. Some stories reference another hearing in which Sen. Collins questioned officials with the parent agency of the CPS about misspending money related to Medicaid expansion, not child protection.
Also, several stories said Collins was scheduled to share her purported evidence about a child sex trafficking with a grand jury this month. There is no evidence that such a grand jury has been convened.
In summary, the ONLY named source for the claim that Linda Collins was murdered to prevent revelations of a child trafficking ring controlled by Bill and Hillary Clinton is a woman who believes U.S. Attorney General William Barr and all of his relatives are plotting a race war to destroy America; that 53 million American children are missing and have been sent to other countries as sex slaves and organ donors; and that 9/11 was staged to change the banking system so Merrill Lynch could own your DNA, your children and your homes.
One more look at Walker-McMillan in a Facebook Live video:
Here is an example of how some Facebook users shared the story:
NewsPunch (formerly YourNewsWire) has published several hoaxes and fake news articles in the past so anything they write or publish should be taken with a large grain of salt. Their Facebook page "The People's Voice" even lost its verification checkmark according to a report from MMFA.
The Terms of Use of the site (archived here, still referencing YourNewsWire) also make it clear they don't really stand behind the accuracy of any of their reporting:
The site was profiled in the Hollywood reporter where it was described as:
Your News Wire, a 3-year-old website of murky facts and slippery spin, is published by Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway -- a Bernie Sanders supporter in 2016 -- out of an apartment in L.A.'s historic El Royale.
RationalWiki described it as:
YourNewsWire (styled as YourNewsWire.com[1]) is an Los Angeles-based clickbait fake news website known for disseminating conspiracy theories and misleading information, contrary to its claimed motto ("News. Truth. Unfiltered").[1]
A while ago we reported that YourNewsWire had rebranded itself as NewsPunch by changing its domain name in an apparent effort to evade filtering/blocking.
NewsGuard, a company that uses trained journalist to rank the reliability of websites, describes newspunch.com as:
A website, formerly known as YourNewsWire.com, that regularly publishes false information and far-right conspiracy theories.
According to NewsGuard the site does not maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability. Read their full assessment here.
We wrote about newspunch.com before, here are our most recent articles that mention the site:
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