Fact Check: Lady Gaga Did NOT Participate In 'Vile, Sickening' Blood Drinking Ritual Pertaining To 'Adrenochrome And Spirit Cooking'

Fact Check

  • by: Alexis Tereszcuk
Fact Check: Lady Gaga Did NOT Participate In 'Vile, Sickening' Blood Drinking Ritual Pertaining To 'Adrenochrome And Spirit Cooking' Art Exhibit

Did entertainer Lady Gaga and others participate in a blood-drinking ritual "pertaining to adrenochrome and spirit cooking?" No, that's not true: A photo of Lady Gaga with performance artist Marina Abramovic and posts claiming to show them drinking blood from a dead body -- and accusing them of being "Satanic Democrat Pedophile Cannibals" -- is not an accurate description of the picture.

The photo was actually taken in 2013 at an art exhibit and is with Lady Gaga performing interactive art with Abramovic.

The claim originated as a post (archived here) published on Facebook on April 8, 2020. It opened:

Gaga and others participating in vile, sickening rituals pertaining to adrenochrome and spirit cooking. Satanic Democrat Pedophile Cannibals. These people are sick. 🔥🤡🤢🤮😳🔥

This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:

Facebook screenshot

The picture of Lady Gaga with Serbian performance artist Marina Abramovic is from July 27, 2013, at the 20th Annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit in Water Mill, New York. Professional photography agency Getty Images owns the photograph.

Click here to see the Getty Images photo

The picture of Gaga and Abramovic is of "performance art" with the two women not actually drinking blood from a human body. The women were good friends and at the time Gaga was promoting her new album ARTPOP.

Let's break down the allegations in the caption of the photo of Lady Gaga and Abramovic.

"Vile, sickening rituals pertaining to adrenochrome and spirit cooking."

What is adrenochrome?

The conspiracy theory is that Hollywood elites are taking the drug adrenochrome, purportedly harvested from the blood of children in Satanic rituals which are conducted by Hillary Clinton in the basement of a pizza restaurant.

The drinking blood conspiracy became a conspiracy theory when Clinton's presidential campaign chairman John Podesta's emails were hacked and released by WikiLeakes in 2016. This was where "spirit cooking" turned into the conspiracy "pizzagate," which exploded throughout the internet.

Celebrities are accused of taking the adrenochrome via drinking blood (that they allegedly are getting from children).

Click here for a Facebook group dedicated to discussing "Coronavairesss! Adrenochrome, Pizzagate, And Other Dark Conspiracies."

Click here to view a website with the conspiracies about adrenochrome and connections to other theories..

This YouTube video debunks the claims of the connection between adrenochrome, celebrities and coronavirus.

Adrenochrome is a drug that was written about in Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a fiction novel and not a medical study.

Dr. Gonzo says: "There's only one source for this stuff... the adrenaline glands from a living human body. It's no good if you get it out of a corpse."

While adrenochrome is a real drug, the use that was described in the novel was made up.

According to the Spinoff, in the DVD commentary on the 1998 Fear and Loathing adaptation, director Terry Gilliam said Thompson told him he made the whole adrenochrome thing up.

What is "spirit cooking?"

Spirit cooking is another conspiracy theory that accuses Democratic politicians and Hollywood elites of having dinners where they prepare meals using the blood of children that are abused and murdered.

Abravmovic used the term "Spirit Cooking" for a performance in June 1997 when she painted ridiculous recipes on the wall of an Italian restaurant as she told The New York Times in an April 2020 interview:

These are the recipes on the wall:
Saliva of your lover mix with morning dew collected from eucalyptus leaves. Cut with the knife deeply into the middle finger of your left hand eat the pain.

Morning urine sprinkle over the nightmare dreams.

Mix fresh breastmilk with fresh sperm milk drink on earthquake nights.

Spin around until you lose consciousness to eat all the questions of the day.

A drop of same mix with a drop of water take a small amount before crying.

In one email to Podesta, Abramovic invited him to a "spirit cooking" dinner at her home.

Abramovic told the New York Times she hosted a dinner for 20 people who had donated to her art institute.

"We had lots of fun," she told the newspaper as the conspiracy theories about herhave persisted. "There was no human blood, or baby serving, or sex orgies."

She said she thought the conspiracy theories were "just insane."

"I am an artist, not a Satanist!" she insisted.

She also told the NY Times that she has received death threats over her art.

Who are "Satanic Democrat Pedophile Cannibals?"

The conspiracy theory claims that high level democrats partake in rituals where they eat the blood of children which turned into #pizzagate have been debunked by the New York Times.

Lady Gaga and Marina Abramovic are not drinking blood in the photograph and are not "participating in vile, sickening rituals pertaining to adrenochrome and spirit cooking. Satanic Democrat Pedophile Cannibals." It was a staged performance.

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  Alexis Tereszcuk

Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories and an award-winning journalist who spent over a decade breaking hard news and celebrity scoop with RadarOnline and Us Weekly.

As the Entertainment Editor, she investigated Hollywood stories and conducted interviews with A-list celebrities and reality stars.  

Alexis’ crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others.

Read more about or contact Alexis Tereszcuk

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