Fact Check: There Is NO 'New Health Care Act' To Force Your Whole Family To Take A 'Killer Vaccine' For COVID-19

Fact Check

  • by: Lead Stories Staff

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Fact Check: There Is NO 'New Health Care Act' To Force Your Whole Family To Take A 'Killer Vaccine' For COVID-19 No Killer Bill

Is there a new health care act in effect or making its way through Congress that would allow the government to place your child in an isolation centre if they test positive for COVID-19 and require your whole family to be vaccinated by a "killer vaccine" before the child could return home? No, that's not true: There is no new health care act that mandates citizens be vaccinated. In fact, a new vaccine is not expected to be approved for mass production until at least 2021.

The claim comes up as part of a post (archived here) that was posted to Facebook on July 18, 2020. The post read:

I hope everyone who has kids is aware that when you send your kids back to school in September, there will be a fake Covid positive case (probably Oct, Nov time) from some mysterious kid or staff member, whats the betting the positive test comes back in the middle of a school day, the school will be put on emergency lock down and your kids will be force tested without you, (imagine this, a virus so deadly they need to force test you to see if you have it, think about that for a second) those tests will come back positive and under the new health care act they can and probably will take your child to an isolation centre, at this stage the vaccine will be ready and they will tell you you can have your child back if your whole household gets vaccinated, who would refuse the vaccine then? Not many if any, the perfect delivery system for a killer vaccine!

This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:

Facebook screenshot

(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Tue Jul 21 13:10:31 2020 UTC)

While the post mostly consists of predictions, it also purports to make a factual statement with this:

...those tests will come back positive and under the new health care act they can and probably will take your child to an isolation centre..."

Another post, which went up on Facebook August 12, 2020, makes similar claims that "they are stripping your rights as a parent," under a fictitious "covid act 2020" by taking children who show any symptoms of having the virus that causes COVID-19 and isolating them in undisclosed locations without parental consent:

Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 11.29.55 AM.png

There is no "new health care act," in the works that would force vaccines against the virus on anyone, nor provide for "an isolation centre." Readers can check govtrack.us to see information for themselves.

While President Trump has promised a new health care plan in a matter of weeks, that has not yet happened and the president has never suggested it would include a vaccine mandate.

There is a health care Act that deals with relief from coronavirus-related economic devastation that was enacted March 6, 2020, and named H.R. 6074 -- 116th Congress: Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020. It does call for money to help develop vaccines, but there are no provisions dealing with forcing vaccines on people -- particularly in a school. The word "isolation" never appears in the bill.

There is also H.R. 7152: Reopen Our Schools Act, which was introduced June 11, 2020, and still needs to be considered by a committee before it goes any further. The bill would ban federal funding for schools that refuse to reopen for in-person classes by September 8, 2020. Again, there is no mention of the word "isolation," and "vaccine" does not appear in the bill.

And there is S. 3370: Coronavirus Vaccine Act, a short bill introduced March 2, 2020, which reads in full:


In general -

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases shall conduct or support comprehensive research for the creation of a universal coronavirus vaccine.


Authorization of appropriations -

To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $250,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023.

This post -- again, chiefly a prediction -- is false. If such a bill did get introduced, it would not only be major news, but would also likely face opposition in both chambers of Congress due to how controversial it would be to expose children to a vaccine (particularly a "killer vaccine") surreptitiously.

It wouldn't be a secret if it was in a congressional bill that would have to make its way through both the Democratic-controlled House and the Republication-controlled Senate, with opponents on the other sides scrutinizing every move by the other party. And President Trump, who is a Republican, holds veto power.


  • 2020-08-13T15:23:07Z 2020-08-13T15:23:07Z
    Updated August 13, 2020 to add a new post similar to the original post in its false claim of new law usurping parental rights.

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