Is there a "vaccine that's coming" to fight the novel coronavirus that is funded by Bill Gates and could change human genes to the point where a different species is created that could battle, or replace, humans? No, there is no evidence to support this. A video by Dr. Carrie Madej making many claims about vaccines includes "urgent information" about "the coming vaccine" for COVID-19. But there is no current vaccine available to the public, and those in the works have not completed trials to be mass-distributed.
Madej's various claims can be found in a video posted to YouTube on June 25, 2020, titled "Urgent information on Covid Vacc!ne" (archived here). The text below the video included this text, as well as links to research:
...This particular talk is about the COVID-19 vaccine. I really think that this information is very urgent, and I encourage you to really think about the things that I'm saying. This is not a new topic for me; I've studied these things for, you know, 20 years at least -- about vaccines. So I'm very familiar with it. I'm very passionate about the information..."
Click below to watch the video on YouTube:
The video can also be found on Facebook from July 18, 2020:
Much of the 22-minute video from Madej, an internist who says she is trained on osteopathic medicine, talks about the dangers of vaccines. But she also says that she has information that needs to be widely shared online.
So who is she? According to the Georgia Composite Medical Board, she is licensed to practice internal medicine with her license current through March 2021, and she practices in Forest Park, Georgia. US News & World Report, in its Health section information on doctors, gives this background for Madej. Here is her LinkedIn profile.
Among other things, Madej asserts that big pharmaceutical companies, along with the military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency -- DARPA -- and Bill Gates are behind a vaccine effort that could ultimately track our every movement and every thought and rewire the human genome with the potential for a new species to be generated.
Madej's video also claims that artificial intelligence technology is being created to insert into human brains so people could, for example, control smart homes with their thoughts -- but with the caution that these homes could turn and control the people. This story, however, talks about brain-reading threads to help people, not control them:
The goal is to eventually begin implanting devices in paralyzed humans, allowing them to control phones or computers."
The video also says that, backed by Gates and others, chips and gels are being developed to work with contact-tracing apps, putting onto, or implanting in, people to track their comings, goings and thoughts -- even menstrual cycles or our sex lives -- under the guise of developing a vaccine to battle the virus. Gates, the subject of many theories surrounding vaccines and COVID-19, denied on July 22, 2020, that he planned to microchip humans through a vaccine or other tech.
The video states that vaccines being tested are being rushed to market so quickly to arrest the coronavirus that normal testing procedures are being skipped -- making them unreliable and possibly harmful. But there are no approved vaccines currently on the market. In the video, she borrows some old conspiracy theories while pressing for widespread social media attention to the piece.
We'll start around the 5-minute mark, when she talks about how engineering foods, much like the company Monsanto does with seeds for, as an example, tomatoes, is similar to how vaccines and genetic engineering can wholesale change a human into something that isn't actually human -- but could be patented and, therefore, owned.
Translate that or transpose that onto a human cell line, or a human. That could potentially mean that we could be patented, or human cell lines could be patented. And if it's patented, it has to have owners. So, I think you might see where I'm going with this. And then, what if our DNA is modified with genes from another species? Are we still human or is this transhumanism. And then, what if our DNA, our genome, is modified and, thus, can be patented and owned? This is not a sci-fi movie or a future event. This is right now, today...The coronavirus/COVID-19 vaccines are designed to make us into genetically modified organisms. That is the same lingo and terminology used for Monsanto seeds."
There is no evidence that any company trying to develop a vaccine or trying to genetically alter humans so that they can be patented and owned by anyone or anything. This would include Pfizer, which July 22 announced along with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense a $1.95 billion contract to provide its potential vaccine to the government for possible distribution around the country. From the HHS site:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense (DoD) today announced an agreement with U.S.-based Pfizer Inc. for large-scale production and nationwide delivery of 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in the United States following the vaccine's successful manufacture and approval. The agreement also allows the U.S. government to acquire an additional 500 million doses.
The federal government will own the 100 million doses of vaccine initially produced as a result of this agreement, and Pfizer will deliver the doses in the United States if the product receives Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or licensure from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as outlined in FDA guidance, after completing demonstration of safety and efficacy in a large Phase 3 clinical trial.
By entering into this agreement now, a safe and effective vaccine can be shipped quickly if FDA grants EUA or licensure. This approach helps meet the U.S. government's Operation Warp Speed goal to begin delivering 300 million of doses of safe and effective vaccine to the American people by the end of the year.
In the video, Madej claims that Gates -- co-founder of Microsoft, philanthropist and vaccine proponent -- backs or is associated with most major companies trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine. She gives no evidence of this, but it is no secret that Gates' foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has donated hundreds of millions to develop vaccines to battle the novel coronavirus.
This type of DNA vaccine has never been used on humans before. Let me repeat that. Please understand this has never, ever been used on humans before -- never. They are now proposing to take something we've never used and to inject it into everyone."
There is no claim by the government or any agency that "everyone" would have to be injected with any potential vaccine.
Vaccine trials are being fast-tracked at a level and a rate that I have never seen in my life -- nor did I ever expect to see this. They are skipping over the animal trials, going directly to human trials. They are not using good scientific methodology at all. They have no randomized placebo-controlled trials for any vaccine, which is the gold standard for any therapy to be approved by the FDA. They're not following any sound scientific protocol to make sure this is safe for us, to make sure it would work for us, to know anything about it. And they want to inject it into everybody."
Again, she offers no evidence that the makers of the potential vaccines are ignoring all scientific protocol under Operation Warp Speed, which is the Trump administration's plan to quickly develop a vaccine. And again, there is no evidence -- anywhere -- that people's right to refuse vaccinations would be ignored as "they want to inject it into everybody."
This could be considered, or possibly [have] the potential to be used as, a bioweapon."
There is no justification for making such a claim with vaccines being developed for COVID-19. This is just supposition on her part.
In the last seven minutes of the video, Madej gets into gels, implants and AI-powered databases that could control people, as well as a potentially new species developing out of a coronavirus vaccine.
DARPA acknowledges a brain machine interface that is AI artificial intelligence, and the human brain will form a neural network and therefore have the ability to communicate by thought alone -- or being influenced or controlled remotely...So, this is the idea, you go into maybe your smart home, think about turning on the air-conditioner, the fan and your favorite program, have the stove start cooking, something -- who knows what. And it happens because it's wifi. That sounds cool, right? But think about that. If it's going one way, it's coming back another way. What if the smart home can give you messages?"
It is a question whose answer is yet unknown because no such tech exists on the market, though DARPA is working on interfaces to, for example, help with brains communicating with prosthesis limbs through the BRAIN Initiative under the National Institutes of Health.
At 16:18, she talks about "next-gen non-surgical nanotechnology":
It involves non-invasive or minimally invasive brain computer interfaces to read and directly [write] onto your brain. Do you understand what this means?...Rewriting what's happening in your brain -- your memories, your thoughts. Now, people think this is exciting; it's the "Matrix."...I want to learn karate, download it -- I know karate. Your body would know how to do it...You think you can control. This something else is controlling you, something else is rewriting your emotions, your experiences. You may have artificial memories of things, you don't know what is reality. You've become a computer program. You become a character in a computer program...This is not sci-fi; this is today."
They don't have to have the proof the recombinant RNA, recombinant DNA technology would cause permanent and unknown genetic changes in a person's body -- permanent -- once...their DNA has changed he or she will live with that change for the rest of their lives, and also the ripple effects from that genetic change. Who knows what they could be for the rest of his or her life? There's no going back. It's not like, 'Oh, I got that vaccine, [it] didn't work. You know, I won't do it again.' No, it's just do or die with this."
This has been debunked by Health Feedback as early as May 15, 2020:
In summary, the claim that RNA vaccines can alter our DNA is scientifically unfounded. Chemical differences prevent RNA from directly integrating into our DNA, and studies examining the potential integration of nucleic acid vaccines into DNA have confirmed that such changes are not known to occur[3,4]. The claim that RNA from a vaccine can cause autoimmunity is also unsupported, as RNA has a very short lifespan, being quickly degraded after it has been used to make a protein. This means that RNA does not persist long enough to cause chronic problems like autoimmune disorders. Taken together, these characteristics make RNA vaccines a generally safe option for inducing immunity against infectious diseases, although its efficacy against COVID-19 has yet to be determined.
PolitiFact also debunked a similar claim that Gates was behind RNA vaccines to permanently alter people's DNA -- a claim that can be found in this article from Waking Times (which later added a correction).
And studies indicate RNA vaccines are safe and effective, something that Gates wrote in his blog in April, mostly about RNA vaccines, has him "excited" about their potential to fight the pandemic.
I don't think that whoever's trying to market this really knows the ultimate outcome, but it doesn't sound good. Essentially, this creates a new species and perhaps destroys an old one."
This claim is not based in any science that Lead Stories has found.
Madej's final claim comes at 20:32, where she says the new vaccine(s) would also be:
...introducing nanotechnology and its robotic effects into the body. This is all suggesting the ability to use this vaccine and its ancillary products...some of the names are like ID2020, etc., to hook up, to hook us all up to an artificial intelligence interface. This is not a one-way street; this is a two-way street...It scares me...and it's real, and we have to speak up now for us, for our families, for future generations, for the human race."
Lead Stories has written about ID2020, and we have debunked claims it has to do with microchipping people to track everything humans do: