Were the mass shootings in spas and massage parlors in Atlanta, and at a grocery store in Boulder and the September 11, 2001, attacks carried out under "false flags" so that the government could pass gun control legislation and invade Afghanistan, respectively? No, that's not true. There is no evidence that the mass shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 16, 2021, and in Boulder, Colorado, on March 22, 2021, were orchestrated by gun control advocates seeking to sway public opinion. In both incidents, the suspects are 21-year-old men with no connection to politicians or the "deep state/shadow government" that conspiracy theorists claim control events to push through gun control. The terrorist attacks on the United States nearly 20 years earlier, on September 11, 2001, were investigated by Congress, the CIA, the FBI and local police, who all found the attacks were the work of Islamic extremists.
The claim appeared as a video published on Rumble by x22 Report on March 23, 2021, titled "Ep. 2434b - What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Guard, Clock Activated" (archived here) which opened:
Hi and welcome. You're listening to the X22 Report, my name is Dave and this is episode 2434BN. Today's date is March 23, 2021 and the title of the episode is "What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Guard." Expect a lot more.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
Ep. 2434b - What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Guard, Clock Activated
???? Be The Best Version of Yourself in 2021 With Ageless Body ????Get 51% Off by Clicking Here ➡️ http://agewithx22.com The [DS]/Ds are now destroying themselves with everything they are doing. What we are
The 42-minute video makes various claims but we will focus on the two mass shootings in March 2021 and the 9/11 terror attacks.
The video claims:
We just had a false flag. Now, remember, false flag doesn't mean it is fake. A false flag means they created this for a specific purpose. To trick people. Now a lot of times, there might be actors, other times, yes, people might be killed.
Just like 911. There weren't actors that were killed in the towers. The tours were not CGI crumbling down. That was real but it was a false flag because they set it up. Because they needed us to get into Afghanistan. They needed us to invade. They wanted to implement control with the Patriot Act.
A false flag just means they're setting something up to get something they need. Sometimes it is actors sometimes it is real."
The video offers no evidence to substantiate in any way that the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, or the mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder were "false flag" operations to manipulate opinion.
Referring to the Atlanta and Boulder shootings, at the 18-minute mark the narrator says, "We just had two false flag events because we knew that they had gun control bills waiting in the wings ..." but the video offers no evidence connecting those events to legislation.
A "false flag" is a conspiracy theory that a covert operation took place to obscure the real purpose and the real people responsible (so-called "deep state" government and officials) by blaming another.
Lead Stories previously debunked the claim that the shootings in Atlanta were a false flag -- a claim also made in an earlier x22 Report. The new x22 Report that includes the shooting in Boulder just expands the earlier baseless claim. The video offers no evidence that the suspect in Boulder, identified as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, had any connection to anyone in the "deep state" or to government officials who could have influenced him to commit the crime on their behalf.
The claim that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were "set up" because "they needed to get us into Afghanistan" is unfounded. The bipartisan 9/11 Commission placed the blame on the al-Qaida terrorist organizations, not on a secret plot by the United States to kill thousands of its own citizens in order to invade Afghanistan.
The commission concluded the responsibility for the attacks was "19 young Arabs acting at the behest of Islamic extremists headquartered in Afghanistan."
The video provides no evidence that the United States "needed to get us in Afghanistan."