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Is an article headlined 'Joe Biden Declares Mandatory Vaccination for ALL Americans by October 30' a real story? No, that's not true: Clicking on the link takes you to an obscene photo of senior citizen sex. It was created by a fake news generator website. If you see ANY story from the website -- -- be warned that it is "not safe for work" and fake. Other false variations included a claim about Dog the Bounty Hunter. Any of the "articles" on that website will be labeled false.
The article appeared in a post published by on October 11, 2021. Facebook users saw a photo of President Biden with a headline that read:
Joe Biden Declares Mandatory Vaccination for ALL Americans by October 30
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Thu Oct 14 19:44:59 2021 UTC)
The link shared on Facebook is a not-safe-for-work prank. If you find it on your timeline, be careful. You can never unsee the image.
2021-10-15T00:21:33Z 2021-10-15T00:21:33Z Adding a sentence in first paragraph to make it clear all "articles" from are false.