Do COVID-19 vaccines create "engineered biostructures" inside human arteries? No, that's not true: There's no evidence that happens. In an email to Lead Stories, Dr. John R. Su with the Immunization Safety Office of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said, the "CDC is unaware of any evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause the human body to create 'engineered biostructures.'"
The implied claim appeared in a Facebook post and video on July 31, 2022, under the title "Notally Tormal." It's not clear what's being shown in the video and who's doing the talking. The video opens:
Look, this is what's in people's body. This is what's being removed from people's damaged hearts and you can see why. I mean, my God.
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Tue Aug 2 21:09:39 2022 UTC)
At about 15 seconds into the video, it continues with this description as well as images of what it says embalmers are finding in the bodies of people who have died suddenly:
This is coming out of people who were formerly alive. People are walking around with these things growing inside their arteries and blood vessels. OK? These are massive. These are not the size of just one protein. These are like billions of proteins.
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Aug 3 14:41:06 2022 UTC)
Not CDC video
The labeling at the bottom of the video falsely identifies it as being from the "CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION-CDC." In an August 2, 2022, email to Lead Stories, Su said:
The video is not a product of CDC. All CDC educational and promotional materials display the official logo of CDC. This is an obviously deceptive production.
The implied claim in the video is that COVID vaccines are behind the "engineered biostructures." While a date or year is never mentioned, an unidentified person at the 2:14 mark in the video asks the question, "What's the difference between three years ago versus today in terms of the numbers?" COVID vaccines became generally available in late 2020 after receiving emergency use authorization.
Additionally, just before, at the 2:09 mark in the video, the person says the following, with the term "COVID vaccine" possibly being edited out:
Embalmers have never seen these things until after the [audio muted, but returns with a partial word] ... -ine given to people.
Under a microscope
At just over a minute into the video, the person at a microscope shows additional images and comes to a conclusion:
Understand that these are not clumps of blood. That's what I'm trying to get across. There's no way that these are blood clots. These are ... I call them engineered biostructures. So, something in people's bodies is programming them to build these biostructures inside their arteries.
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Aug 3 15:19:34 2022 UTC)
In his email to Lead Stories, Su said there's nothing to support the video's implied claim that these are due to COVID vaccines:
CDC has detected no unusual or unexpected patterns of 'engineered biostructures' following immunization that would indicate COVID-19 vaccines are causing or contributing to this condition. CDC continues to recommend that everyone who is eligible should get vaccinated.
The CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older, and boosters for everyone 5 years and older, if eligible.
So, what is being shown in the video? Su told Lead Stories that the public health agency isn't willing to say at this point:
CDC cannot speculate as to what the video is showing. However, the assertion is that these 'biostructures' are constructed within the arteries, which are the blood vessels carrying blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Anything as large as what the video shows would occlude (block) any blood flow past the major arteries, leading to a very swift death (i.e. a few minutes). Evidence of blockage would be apparent by physical exam, as well as ultrasound or other imaging techniques - and autopsy, if performed. In short, such a phenomenon would be thoroughly documented, and given how unusual what the video shows is, very likely published in the biomedical literature.
Yet such a phenomenon has not been described after the administration of over 500,000,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines of varying technologies (mRNA, adenoviral vector, protein subunit, attenuated live virus) over the course of 18+ months.
Lead Stories has debunked dozens of stories related to COVID vaccines and blood clots.