Fact Check: NO Evidence Whoopi Goldberg Vowed To Follow Brittney Griner If Griner Left US

Fact Check

  • by: Ophélie Dénommée-Marchand
Fact Check: NO Evidence Whoopi Goldberg Vowed To Follow Brittney Griner If Griner Left US No Evidence

Did Whoopi Goldberg vow to go with basketball star Brittney Griner if she leaves the United States? No, that's not true: Lead Stories found no evidence that Goldberg or Griner ever publicly said in 2024 that they would leave the country. The website that published this says in its disclaimer it takes no responsibility for any errors.

The claim appeared in a post (archived here) on Facebook on August 9, 2024. It said:

Whoopi Goldberg VOWS to go with Brittney Griner if she leaves America: 'THERE IS NO RESPECT FOR TALENT HERE'.

This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:

Facebook screenshot

(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Mon Aug 19 18:57:02 2024 UTC)

Goldberg, co-host of "The View," did suggest she would leave the country in 2016 if Donald Trump was elected, with The Hill, The Independent and Fox DC quoting her as saying, "maybe it's time for me to move" before that year's election. However, when Trump mocked her in May 2024 about that, she said on her show she was "not going anywhere."

The article that made the claim -- linked in the first comment on the Facebook post -- does not offer any supporting evidence. There is no recent report (archived here) from a trustworthy news source that she changed her mind about leaving the country. Further, the website that published the article -- tintinhthanh.online -- says in its disclaimer section (archived here) that it takes no responsibility for any errors:

The information contained on the Service is for general information purposes only. The Company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents of the Service.

Lead Stories reached out to ABC for comment and will update this story if a response is received.

The article relies on the recycled claim that Griner said she would leave the U.S. in August 2024, which Lead Stories debunked.

Other Lead Stories fact checks about Brittney Griner can be found here. Other Lead Stories fact checks about Whoopi Goldberg can be found here.

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Ophélie Dénommée-Marchand is a freelance journalist and editor based in Canada. She graduated from Université de Montréal with a B.A. degree in French literature. At Lead Stories, Ophélie started as a fact checker of viral TikTok videos, then worked in the team that searches for stories to fact check, and is now also a writer.

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