New York, NY - In a surprise move popular website BuzzFeed has announced plans to launch a fake news spin-off. In a press release distributed to fact checkers today it was revealed Craig Silverman will be the editor-in-chief of the new publication. In an exclusive conversation with Lead Stories Silverman revealed the reasons for the move:
It's quite logical if you think about it. I've written extensively about the Macedonian teenagers raking in cash by pumping out fake news with their shoddy Wordpress sites and clickbait headlines full of spelling and grammar mistakes. At the same time our own own traffic has only been going down over the past few months.
The solution was obvious: we at BuzzFeed practically invented the whole clickbait thing. So we should have no trouble outcompeting these guys at their own game. I mean, who will be able to resist gems like these?
- Top 10 Melania Trump Glamour Shots, The Third One Will Stun You!
- Quiz: Find Out Which Trump Cabinet Member Most Resembles You
- Top 8 Liberal Lies And How To Recognize Them
- 25 Amazing Facts About Trump's Tweets You Didn't Know Yet
- Awesome: Here Are The Best Pro-Trump Celebrity Quotes We Made Up
It is unclear when the new site will launch exactly or what the name will be but we will keep our readers updated on any new developments. We also reached out to the White House for comment but so far they haven't tweeted back yet.
Yeah, no, that didn't really happen as you probably guessed by now.
If this is your first time visiting this website: welcome! Usually at Lead Stories we write exclusively about trending hoaxes, fake news and satirical stories that people confuse for real news. And we're quite fast about it too, often being the first site on the scene when fake news strikes. You can read more about how we work here.
But today is April Fools' day so we're letting our hair down a little. Instead of ruining other people's jokes we decided to write a few of our own on this special day. We do hope you enjoyed this little bit of satire (if you did, check out our other April Fools' stories). Tomorrow it is back to fact checking for us.
If you like being among the first to know about trending hoaxes, fake news etc., consider giving us a like on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@leadstoriescom):
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Also remember: tomorrow is International Fact-Checking Day:
April 2 marks the second annual International Fact-Checking Day
In honor of the day, Poynter is launching a website with a lesson plan, tip sheets and other resources to help people learn basic fact-checking skillsST. PETERSBURG, Florida - To raise awareness of fact-checking around the world, Poynter's International Fact Checking Networ...