The Find, a television series, focuses its second season on Nicaragua.
Moving On (Official Trailer)RUN TIME: 84 MINUTESLANGUAGE: ENGLISHGENRE: DOCUMENTARYFILM SYNOPSISAn American couple with average lives have their hearts stirred when they learn of the war plaguing Uganda, and decide to move with the intent of adopting and starting a non-profit. The people they encounter will alter the course of their lives forever.MOVING ON steps into the lives of three incredible Ugandans- Betty, Charles, and Joyce. Although their stories begin with heartbreak, and loss- all have stories of hope.This is NOT a story about war, injustice, poverty or despair. It is NOT a story of Westerners "saving" Africa. What Moving On beautifully uncovers is that a relationship with Africa is not one sided- the West will not rescue Africa. Their rescues are tied up in one another.Production: Interpret
Posted by LGH on Monday, June 21, 2010
"We're the Hansows. After adopting our daughter from Uganda we've given nearly a decade of our lives to running companies that change the world. Over the years we've realized it's normal people like us who take an idea and passionately chase their dreams. Traveling with two kids isn't always easy. But we want to show them how big and connected the world really is. On this season of The Find we travel to Nicaragua and spend time with amazing individuals who are passionately living out their dreams of bringing light and hope to communities in need."