#DeleteYourAccount: Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton's Twitter War Would Make A Kardashian Proud

  • by: Lead Stories Staff

We now know what the next five months of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump battling for the U.S. presidency will look like: It should be a twitter war like the craziest celebrity rivalries that have kept Hollywood tabloids busy. Even the Amber Rose versus Kylie Kardashian has nothing on the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees when it comes to trading fast insults in 140 characters.

Thursday's social media spat started soon after President Obama endorsed Clinton. Trump immediately tweeted his insult of "Crooked Hillary."

Clinton (or a staffer with her password) responded with a message that became a hastag #DeleteYourAccount.

This gave Trump an opening, considering the controversy (and FBI probe) of Clinton's missing State Department emails.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus added hit two cents:

Five months to go! Stay tuned.

Lead Stories has uncovered evidence of a historical precedence for such. Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas engaged in a similar social media spat in 1860. (Just kidding.)

See also #ImWithHer Video: President Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton After Bernie Sanders Meeting.

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