Status updates like the one below or variations on it are doing the rounds on Facebook. The gist is that you will have to pay £5.99 to keep your private messages on Facebook private. Of course, if you help spreading the message you will not have to pay...
Now it's official! It has been published in the media. Facebook has just released the entry price: £5.99 to keep the subscription of your status to be set to "private". If you paste this message on your page, it will be offered free (I said paste not share) if not tomorrow, all your posts can become public. Even the messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. After all, it does not cost anything for a simple copy and paste x.............
As you could have expected, none of it is true. Facebook's own newsroom blog has no messages at all mentioning the amount £5.99:
Or, as we here at Lead Stories like to say: "It's not because it's trending that it's true!"
And now this. Comedian John Oliver offers the real way to protect your content on Facebook:
Lead Stories' Trendolizer™ constantly scours social networks worldwide for hoaxes and fake staus updates. Scroll down to see the latest.