Source: NewsThump
We here at Lead Stories love internet hoaxes. Sometimes we even fall for them but most of the time we happily debunk them for sport. That's why we love satirical website NewsThump's latest piece about Mark Zuckerberg. It's so meta it made us go cross-eyed.
There are several hoaxes doing the rounds that say Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is giving away all or part of his money to Facebook's users, if only they share some silly status update about it. None of them are true it goes without saying. Here is one example which we debunked recently.
NewsThump brilliantly turns this on its head, saying Zuckerberg has gotten so sick and tired of these fake stories that he is now offering $1000 to each Facebook user if they can all just stop sharing silly hoaxes for one month.
The story has been liked/shared by over 18,000 people so far. We here are left wondering how many actually believed it was real...