Fake News: Kim Jong Un NOT Assassinated, NO Missile Retalliation By New Dictator

Fact Check

  • by: Maarten Schenk

Several known fake news websites published articles claiming North-Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has been assassinated by an American sniper:

The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense is a fake news website that carries following disclaimer on its about page:

DISCLAIMER: The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don't necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real.

The site also tends to include nonsensical phrases or insults hints in the list of "categories" under the article titles:


Freedomcrossroads.us is also a fake news website. It says so right on their "About" page even though you have to scroll down to see it:

Freedom Crossroads uses facts that don't exist and relies more on imagination than the truth. All of our articles are basically a crock of shit and should be considered satirical whimsies aimed at exposing the hardcore belief of conservatives that whatever is posted on the internet must be true. All people, places, names and images should be considered fictitious.

The site seems to be very similar to The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense, another notorious fake news website. Politifact identified a liberal from Maine by the name of Christopher Blair as the owner of that site. Both sites seem to be usin the same type of fake 'categories' under the article titles and both seem to be designed to troll Trump supporters with outrageous fake news and hoaxes. Both sites have the same image of a fist with an American flag painted on it on their about pages.

Ourlandofthefree.com also seems to carry a satire disclaimer:

We believe in the right to be free. No matter what, the freedom to do what we want, say what we want and publish what we want comes first.
Therefore we make no guarantee that what you read here is true. In fact, it most definitely is not.
Our Land Of The Free is here to entertain you with the kind of whimsical satire conservatives enjoy.

Just like the other two sites it seems to be using ridiculous category names, for example "Potato". We therefore suspect all three sites are owned by the same person.


The story is just beginning to take of as you can see in the Trendolizer graph at the end of this article. Don't let your friends be fooled by this fake news, warn them by sending them here...

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