Fake News: Jane Fonda Did NOT Say 'I Swear That American Flag Is My House Carpet, I Hate Everything About This Country'

Fact Check

  • by: Maarten Schenk

Several fake news websites published an identical story (archived here) titled Jane Fonda: '"I Swear That American Flag Is My House Carpet, I Hate Everything About This Country". Would You Support Deport Of Her ?'. Besides this title (or slight variations on it) these stories contained absolutely nothing but ads. Clicking anywhere on the site would open more ads.

It appears the story started on a site named dailynewspostss.com (yes, with a second s), also known as "American President Donald J. Trump", which seems to be the newest domain name used by a site once known as usadailynewsposts.com but which has also gone under following names according to our records:

  • americanpresidentdonaldj-trump.com (that name can still be seen in the header)
  • freedomwriters.pro
  • us-presidenttrump.com
  • usofficialnews.com

The site has made it a habbit to post fake celebrity quotes and then asking their readers if they "support this" or if the celebrity in question should be arrested, deported or what have you. Often the posts contain errors against basic English, for example by asking if visitors "agree him" or if they "support deport of them".

The site has attributed a similar quote to various other celebrities, using almost the same headline (and not even noticing that Kevin Spacey and Blake Shelton are men):

  • Emma Stone to Jennifer Lawrence: "That's good idea, I will use American flag as toilet paper too. I'm proud of you Jennifer. Everything about America is disgusting"
  • Blake Shelton"I Swear That American Flag Is My Toilet Paper, I Hate Everything About This Country". Would You Support Deport Of Her ?
  • Kevin Spacey: "I Swear That American Flag Is My Toilet Paper, I Hate Everything About This Country". Would You Support Deport Of Her ?
  • Jeniffer Lawrence: "I Swear That American Flag Is My Toilet Paper, I Hate Everything About This Country". Would You Support Deport Of Her ?

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Often the posts are very short and most of the page is taken up with advertising. And the posts with "POLL" in their title don't actually offer any clickable poll options. The goal of the site seems to be to get visitors to click literally anywhere on the page as this will open up a deluge of pop-up ads.

Don't fall for scams like these, always check a reputable news source first.

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  Maarten Schenk

Maarten Schenk is the co-founder and COO/CTO of Lead Stories and an expert on fake news and hoax websites. He likes to go beyond just debunking trending fake news stories and is endlessly fascinated by the dazzling variety of psychological and technical tricks used by the people and networks who intentionally spread made-up things on the internet.

Read more about or contact Maarten Schenk

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