Do "medbeds" exist? Will they be available soon? No, that's not true: There's no publicly available evidence such devices are real. The claim is situated within the broader QAnon conspiracy theory that believes the world is controlled by a satanic "deep state." It alleges that "medbeds" can make people decades younger, rebuild limbs and cure disease. There's nothing in the global medical literature that suggests such feats can be accomplished by a single device, if at all.
The claim appeared in a video (archived here) published on BitChute on February 16, 2021. The post was titled "TO HEAL MEDBEDS ALMOST HERE WITH CHARLIE WARD," and includes comment from Ward, a prolific conspiracy theorist. He says:
Once we switch on the quantum financial system ... lots of things will change -- lots. One of the most important things that will change is that immediately [when] that happens, it takes the power away from the deep state and the cabal, which then means that we've got access to the medbeds.
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Ward goes on to explain that there are three types of "medbeds." One to rebuild limbs; another heals people with debilitating diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease, and can make people younger by as many as 30 years, according to Ward. He claims that a third type of medbed focuses on the intellect. He says:
You can upgrade yourself to make yourself more smart, without going through all the years of university.
Ward alleges that "medbeds" have so far been "blocked by Big Pharma" because the industry can't make money off of them. But "as soon as we change over," he claims, the medbeds will start "operating" out of Texas and then Florida. It's unclear what he means when he talks about the switch to the "quantum financial system." Ward promises:
They're going to become available very very soon, so keep your eyes and ears open. Things are happening.
Although the idea that there are tools that can fix almost any ailment in the world is wonderful, it's not true. There's no publicly available evidence such devices are real.
Ward, a British conspiracy theorist who lives in Spain, offers no proof of his claim, which he wove into QAnon, a big-tent conspiracy theory that posits the world is controlled by a satanic "deep state." Specifically, followers of QAnon believe that the United States is run by an evil cabal of Democratic pedophiles and elites who, with impunity, imprison and abuse children and drink immortality drugs made from their organs. According to this theory, former President Donald Trump is fighting the cabal and will eventually expose and punish all those involved.
Lead Stories has collected here most of its reporting about QAnon claims.
We've also covered med beds before. See here for that article, in which we found that med beds are not created by extra-terrestrials, and that the images claiming to show med beds are just 3D models taken out of context.
Besides leaning on QAnon lore, Ward offers no support for his claim that "medbeds" -- his video uses the one-word spelling -- are real.
If such a tool exists, it would be improbable to the point of impossible that it's been kept a secret. There's also nothing in the global medical literature that suggests the devices exist. The science doesn't even exist. There is no known way to reverse aging, nor to "upgrade" one's mind, instantaneously, with such skills as speaking foreign languages.