Does a list show "brave border agents who have died during the 90+ days Kamala Harris refused to visit border communities"? No, that's not true. The list is of customs and border patrol agents who died in the 100 years prior to 2021. Not a single person on the list passed away in the 90 days prior to June 27, 2021, when the list was published. Harris was sworn in as Vice President on January 20, 2021. All of the names on the list are found on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website in the "In Memoriam" section, but none of them died in 2021.
The claim appeared as a post (archived here) where it was published on Facebook by the account Secure America Now on June 27, 2021. It opened:
The border crisis is no laughing matter. Here's a list of the brave border agents who have passed away during the 90+ days Kamala Harris refused to visit border communities
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Mon Jun 28 18:24:56 2021 UTC)
The list includes 78 men and women's names. The "In Memoriam to Those Who Died in the Line of Duty," section on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website lists in reverse chronological order the members who have died "in the line of duty," but there is not a description of what the specific circumstances are in all cases. None of the 78 people on the list died in 2021, since Harris took office. The deaths of the agents on the list go back all the way to 1919. Eleven people have died since January 20, 2021, per the website, but none of them are on the Facebook list.
Here are several names from the Facebook list and the years they passed away, noting again that none of them passed away in 2021:
Charles L. Hopkins 1919
Charles Gardiner 1922
James F. Mankin 1924
Frank N. Clark 1924
Joseph P. Riley 1925
Augustin De La Pena 1925
Ross A. Gardner 1925
James P. Epling 2003
George DeBates 2004
Nicholas Greenig 2006
Julio E. Baray 2007
John R. Zykas 2010
Isaac Morales 2017
Christopher Bacon 2018
Alfonso Murrietta 2020
Lead Stories reached out to U.S. Customs and Border Protection for comment and will update the story when one is received.