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Did a Moderna "representative" make a "HORRIFIC admission" about the COVID-19 vaccine in a recorded phone call featured on "The Stew Peters Show"? No, that's not true: The relationship with Moderna of the person whose voice was recorded -- and the extent of that person's knowledge of Moderna -- is unknown. As is the case with many companies, the person on a "customer care" line could be a company employee, or could be a contract worker in a call center or working from home. Whatever the case, his words were intentionally distorted, cut off and misrepresented. The headline's claim of a "horrific admission" does not match the content of the recording.
The claim originated in an episode of "The Stew Peters Show" published on Red Voice Media on June 22, 2021, titled "Recordings of Moderna Representative Making HORRIFIC Admission About Jab" (archived here). The introductory text begins:
The Stew Peters ShowIn a shocking recorded phone call between a jab victim and a representative of Moderna, the agent of the pharmaceutical company admitted that EVERYONE that subjects themselves to the shot in the arm is part of the experiment.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
(Source: Screenshot taken on Wed Jun 23 23:55:09 2021 UTC)
While the episode contains many claims, this fact check is addressing only the particular claims pertaining to the recorded phone call placed by Brittany Galvin, who has been a guest on the show several times, to Moderna's Customer Care line.
At about five minutes 40 seconds into the video, Peters quickly reviews Galvin's case: She claims to have been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome by a neurologist. She also says she has become magnetized. Peters says the aim of Galvin's call was to report her experience directly to Moderna. The recording of the phone call begins with the automated scripted greeting of the Moderna Customer Care line. Peters says there was a disconnection, and a representative (identified only as "Gilbert") calls Galvin back.
A piece of this conversation is missing, and the audience never hears Galvin describe the reason for her call or what problems she is experiencing. The call begins with Gilbert requesting the vaccine lot numbers recorded on Galvin's vaccination card.
It is not clear whether Gilbert knew the call was being recorded by the person calling.
So what happens after this? I mean what if; have you guys seen a, seen a lot of this? Like, what, what's gonna happen?
So, the Moderna rep clearly says that they have seen these reactions! He doesn't seem surprised by any of her symptoms or her diagnosis -- that's shocking! But not as shocking as the admission that he made next.
The vaccines are still in clinical trials, right? So doesn't this information help?
Uh, yes, exactly. So the information, uh, does help, I mean we are still gathering information, as people are continuing to get the vaccine, so anything that we do receive does help, for anything that happens in the future going forward.
Is everyone that's getting the vaccine in the clinical trial or is it only some of the vaccines are in the clinical trial? I'm very confused on that.
- The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID‑19.
- The EUA for the Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine is in effect for the duration of the COVID‑19 EUA declaration justifying emergency use of the product, unless the declaration is terminated or the authorization is revoked sooner.
Gilbert reads on at nine minutes 40 seconds (Lead Stories was unable to locate this exact text on the Moderna website, although partial matches do exist):
Regarding the clinical trials so OK, um, so there's uh, clinical trials that are ongoing actually. So this is uh, all the clinical trials are still ongoing. The long-term protective efficacy of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is currently unknown. Uh, it is therefore not known whether a vaccine recipient who is exposed to the virus causes, the virus that causes COVID-19 will get mildly ill or have no symptoms. Results of the ongoing phase 3 study show that there are no cases of severe COVID-19 infection among participants who received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine compared with 30 cases among those who received the placebo -- which is no vaccine.
So only 30 people got that placebo?
Uh, in the phase 3 yeah, so there's, in three phases they're all ongoing, uh because uhhh, basically the people that got it, the first dose, they're still like looking at the long-term effects of it, so they can't really say the trials is done necessarily.
So everybody who's getting these vaccines right now is in the clinical trial. It's not like some of us got it and some of us didn't. Like everyone who is getting it is in and participating in the clinical trial.
Uhhhhh prettty muchhhh, I mean yeeeah, because, yeah.
So the company that wants you to believe that these injections are safe.
The company that produces and regurgitates this narrative that they have proven efficacy.
The company that is pushing you towards their plan to profit billions of dollars at the expense of the rest of your life, at the expense of your children's life, has now admitted on the record that everyone that subjects themselves to their jab is part of a trial, part of an experiment!Not only that but he laughed at the victim!
She specifically told him that she couldn't walk. She doesn't know that she'll ever walk again. She illustrated to him that she is living in hell and he chuckled! This is sick! This is premeditated murder. They know exactly what's happening to people being injected with their poison and they just don't care. Fact check that.
It is a misrepresentation for Peters to say, "The company has now admitted on the record that everyone that subjects themselves to their jab is part of a trial, is part of an experiment," just because the customer service employee was unable to counter Galvin's unusual and rapid-fire line of questioning that took him off the prepared script. He was not able to correct the false statement that Galvin introduced again and again into the phone conversation she was recording -- that every vaccinated person is part of the clinical trial.
Lead Stories reached out to Moderna's media contact by email for comment and will update as appropriate if we receive a reply.
Lead Stories has already addressed post-vaccination magnetization claims on "The Stew Peters Show," which featured Galvin sticking metal objects to her body.
2022-08-17T13:27:14Z 2022-08-17T13:27:14Z Fixed broken link